01-28-2004, 11:35 PM
At its February 2004 meeting, the Board of Fisheries will consider appeals received concerning recommendations on communities eligible for subsistence use of halibut. The board will take both written and oral testimony on the appeals it has received to date. Oral testimony begins Sunday, February 15 and will continue through Monday, February 16. The board has not scheduled the appeals for committee work during the February meeting; the board is tentatively scheduled to deliberate the appeals on Monday, February 23. For a copy of the board’s agenda, [url "http://www.boards.adfg.state.ak.us/fishinfo/meetinfo/commakpen03.pdf"][click here][/url].
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council requested, and the board agreed to provide, recommendations for any communities that are seeking eligibility to be included on the council’s list of eligible communities for subsistence use of halibut. The board clarified that its recommendations would not include the defining of halibut subsistence eligibility. For more information, contact [url "mailto
iana_Cote@fishgame.state.ak.us"]Diana Cote[/url].
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council requested, and the board agreed to provide, recommendations for any communities that are seeking eligibility to be included on the council’s list of eligible communities for subsistence use of halibut. The board clarified that its recommendations would not include the defining of halibut subsistence eligibility. For more information, contact [url "mailto
