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Here we go! This is going to be FUN. Ice fishing and the Ice Challenge are in full swing now. We have had 5 contestants post fish so far. Here are the standings as of Dec. 8. I will be updating the standings at least weekly and as needed. Send me a PM if you have any questions. Have fun. Play safe. Ron
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The ice is forming nicely on many of our lakes and reservoirs now. Here is an update for the Challenge as of Dec. 16, 2018. Happy fishing!
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Have a Merry Christmas! Attached is the standings table as of Dec. 23, 2018. Happy Fishing!
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Happy New Year! Attached is the updated standings as of Jan. 1, 2019. Enjoy and Happy Fishing!
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Attached is the updated standings as of Jan. 7, 2019. There have been quite a few fish posted recently and some good ones at that. Happy Fishing! Stay safe.
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Attached is the update as of Jan 13. A lot of nice fish were posted last week. Happy Fishing!
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Here is the update as of Jan. 20. Enjoy! It is hard to believe that January is beginning to wind down. We're seeing a lot of fish being posted. It's good to see you getting out and adding to your collection. Happy fishing! Ron
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Here is the update as of January 27. Here comes February! Happy fishing, Ron
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Update Feb. 3, 2019. It was a slow week but we had a few fish posted and a lead change. Have a great week. Happy Fishing!
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Feb. 10, 2019 Update. EyLayo makes a big move to be our current leader, posting a very nice 13 1/2" Crappie and adding a lake trout and burbot to the collection for 11 species. Enjoy. Happy Fishing!
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Feb. 17, 2019 update. The ice season is hanging on nicely. Have great week!
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Feb. 25, 2019 update. February is winding down and we're headed into the home stretch for the Ice Fishing Challenge. It was a slow week but a few fish were posted. I highlighted last week's fish in blue. Enjoy. Happy Fishing!
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March 3, 2019 update. Less than two weeks left in this year's ice challenge. Ends Friday March 15th. It's been a fun ice season. We had few fish posted last week (highlighted in green) by Brighamfish and Eylayo including an 18" TOAD largemouth bass by Brighamfish, giving him the biggest bass so far. Eylayo remains in the lead and added a tiger trout to the specie list to remain at the top of the specie count at 12. Have a great week! Ron
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March 10, 2019 Update. Fish posted over the last three weeks are high lighted in blue and green. Last week's are in light green including a 12.5" perch by T-Boz and an 18" kokanee posted Eylayo; bringing his specie count up to 13.
Five more days left for this year's ice fishing challenge. We'll cut it off at midnight Friday March 15th. So get your fish posted by mid-night Friday to be counted. Be safe and have fun! Ron
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Final Standings March 15, 2019. Congratulations to EyLayo as the overall winner of the year's Utah Ice Fishing Challenge! I want to thank everyone that participated and helped with this year's Challenge. We have had a good ice season and fun getting out to collect fish for the challenge.
Winners for each category
Panfish - EyLayo with a 13.5" Black crappie from Pineview Reservoir
Trout/Salmon - T-Boz with a 26" Cutthroat Trout on a snowy day at Strawberry Res. This was also the longest fish posted in the Challenge.
Bass - Brighamfish with an 18" Largemouth bass from Hyrum.
Predators - Ravenblackbird with a 22.5" Lake trout from Flaming Gorge
Wiperslayer1 also posted a 22.5" Lake trout but Ravenblackbird posted his first so he is the winner of this category.
Others - Wiperslayer1 with a 23.5" Channel catfish from Willard Bay.
Winners will be recognized and given awards/prizes at the Fall get together following the Catfish Contest. Please join us at the get together. It is good times chatting with fellow BFT members and we can't guarantee your prize will get to you if you don't show up. Stay tuned for more information and dates.
[#ff0000]Correction - See Jeff's reply below. Prizes will be given out a the upcoming flotilla.[/#ff0000]
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Thanks so much for a great contest this year, I had a blast and the contest really helps me to try new fun things... Thanks so much for keeping this going for us and for doing such a great job with it...
One thing on the prizes, we will present them at the Flotilla get together, rather than the fall one... I will get busy and between Craig and I, we will try to get some great prizes for our winners... Thanks everyone... Jeff
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Even better. That sounds great! Thanks for your efforts Jeff and Craig.
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Thanks you guys that put the work in on this. My son and I really enjoy the challenge. We get too hung up on trout derbies to be much of a threat in this- but it’s fun to follow. Congrats to the winners, hats off. Good job and looking forward to next year. Haven’t caught the cat bug, so we’ll step aside until it gets cold again...