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what lure to use/how to hook a...
Well as you know its spring time ONE of the best fishing seasons of the year.Well let me tell you about my "Fishing Adventure".My friend and I were both in my small cramped oar boat and we decided to fish somewhere else for a change so he dropped me off at a diffrent island in a community lake there was nothing but ducks.My friend was in the boat laying back when this other guy onshore at his house told my friend in the boat there were some Gigantic fish there.

So of course he ored over there and I wondered where he went b/c I wasent getting any bites so I wandered what he was doing.I later called him over and he ored over and picked me up and told me about the fish that were over here.I at first thought they might have been 5 pound fish swimming around waiting for some feed, man was I wrong.

We approach the place and he tell me there is a big fat catfish that he was trying to snag that was lying on a rock which was very big indeed.While he stood up in the boat I got off the shore andlooked for the bass that were close to shore but were still deep by somre rocks.Now I sometimes exatrate but I assure I am not right now one of these had to be at least 10 punds it was so big i was worried my 8lb line would not handle it but i had my drag of course and the other was a bout half the size but still big and there were others around t here also.I try my first Rapala floating jointed lure which does nothing.

The fish semmes to be gurading its nest becuase there are leaves and some rocks in a sort of ditch that its under and they both seem to stay in the sam spot.So I try almost every lure,worm,soft plstic,and crankbait i had.The fish was alwyas scared of it the only time where I got anything out of it is when I used my small rapala countdown grey minnow which kind of picked at it but after that Istill go nothing it just swam away from it and then came back.Now the only time i almost got something was when I used my Green deep diver crankbait which I almost caught a fish adjact to the ones I was trying to catch.

So now that my stroy is dont I would like some answer I did not get bites all day escept that one time does anyone have ANY SUGGESTIONS ONTO get these fish to bite..lures,worms..whatever LET ME KNOW THANKS!
Now for my second question is what is the best way to put a hook through a plastic worm or tube let me know everyones links to sites would be good too


Sounds like you have a momma on her bed. She won't want to eat so you have to get a reaction strike. I,ve used assualt type worms that have a tapered tail and creat a lot of action. Ya gotta get her mad. You may have to cast close to the fish a whole lot of times, but she will hit it. Maybe some of the other guys have a favorite lure to use as well. To put the hook in a worm insert the hook into the middle of the head going about 3/8" and push the hook out. Pull the worm to the top of the hook and bury the eye. Now bunch up the worm alittle , so it makes a small hump and insert the point into the back. When your done the worm should be straight, if not you humped it to much or not enough. Practice and you'll get it quick. Good luck and let us know if you get her. [Smile]
Mmmmmm, I would say your first mistake is trying to catch a catfish with an artificial lure. I've heard of it being done, but it's a rare occurance asside from the small 1 or 2 pound baby catfish that don't know any better. I mostly saltwater fish, however, one of my favorite fish to catch are large Flathead Catfish. I live about 30 minutes from Santee Cooper river in South Carolina, and cat's in excess of 50 pounds are caught quite often. Large catfish are actually pretty smart predators. Unless they are really hungry, they're not just going to chomp down something and swallow it. And believe it or not, the different species of catfish's feeding habbits are as different as night and day. Here's a break down of it for you....... Channel cats are the "crap eatters" of the bunch. They are the ones that eat the stink bait, hot dogs, and all the other left over groceries that people talk about fishing with. They are relatively small in size, i'd say if you caught a 10 pounder you've got a big one. And thier eating quality is less to be desired in my book. Next up would be the blue catfish. They are scavengers like the channel catfish, however, they prefer fresh dead bait as apposed to "anything" that they come accross. You may still snag a hungry one on a stink bait or something along those lines, but fresh cut herring or bream is probably best. Thier food quality is better than the channel, but, I would still throw one back if I caught one. Remember, a fish IS what is eats. The last of the most common species is the Flat Head Catfish. Flat heads are the hunters of the group. They prefer live bait but will also chomp down fresh cut bait. They get huge in size. The previous world record flat head was actually caught here in SC at Santee Cooper river weighing in around 100 pounds. Thier food quality is exellent, i'm talking in comparison with saltwater species such as Wahoo and Sheepshead. Oh, and by the way, don't let catfish fool you. You may think they're fat and sluggish, but they're not. Cat fish are like fat boys with a rocket up thier ass. They can peel line off a reel at an explosive rate of speed, faster than most other fresh water species asside from pike or peacock bass. I've even seen 30+ pounders breech the water like a marlin. They are nimble and powerful. I'd be willing to bet that 10 pounder you were trying to catch would have made light work of that 8 pound test. They're not like a bass. Were as a bass would have "horsepower," a catfish has "torque" and "gas" mileage. Think about it. I'd be willing to bet if you slid a small, live minnow or a piece of cut bait in front of that cat, she'd have swallowed it down, nesting or not. Give that a thought. Also, check out your local walmarts. They sell a catfish stradegy book that is cheap and give a break down of all the species. It'll help you alot if you plan on targeting large catfish in the future. Good luck and I hope I was of some help.
If it's a bass on the bed throw a tube or a worm,past the fish. Then drag the lure in to the nest and leave it there if the fish doesn't suck it in shake it a little. If you pester it long enough it will either swim off or take your offering. And yes channel cats do take lures,especially during the spawn. A c-d 7 rapala was our favorite lure for catching cat's, in a local lake during the spawn in june. most people don't agree with me ,untill they see it for their self. Ive caught cats up to twelve pounds on rapala's. Give it a try you just might be surprised! Good luck on catching those big fish,they can be hard to catch sometimes, even during the spawn!
[reply] i'd say if you caught a 10 pounder you've got a big one.[/reply]

Come to Manitoba and fish the Red River. 10 pound Channels are the norm, with big ones getting over 20 lbs[Wink]...

But I agree with the No artificial bait on a catfish theroy. Dead baits usualy work best for me. I've yet to catch cats on a lure.
[reply]But I agree with the No artificial bait on a catfish theroy.[/reply]

I take this back. Last night I caught a pretty big Channel Cat on a yellow spoon while trying to catch bass at the mouth of a drainage ditch. Ate the thing right off the top of the water like a pike...
I tell you what, that is a respectable fish any day of the week in any state.

I have seen cat fish caught on crank baits before but I have not heard of any one actualy targeting cats with crank baits.

congradulations... sounds like a catfish fry to me,

Have own fork and plate - will travle [Tongue]

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