06-03-2007, 07:30 PM
Bluegillslayer and I decided that we wanted to go fish Pineview this morning and with me being on standby it was a hard decision/risk, but one that I was willing to take since I didnt get called in on Saturday. Anyhow, we got the boat in the water at around 6:30 am and fished around C. Point where we had only a couple bites until BGS hooked into a Tiger 18". We decided that we had enough of that area and went North across the lake (sorry I dont know the name of the places on the lake, FIRST time fishing Pineview). BGS hooked into a nice Tiger 29" and I caught a little Perch, so I didnt get skunked at least. That is all we ended up with is the two Tigers and a Perch. Probably the last time I will fish Pineview since the summer is here and there was 7000000000000000000000000 boats on the water, I thought I was in Northern Alaska Crab fishing there for a bit. BGS has the picture of his bigger Tiger and hope the other two from my camera turn out!!!