I had a visit from HER yesterday….<br><br>When I booked the call, the gent said they just wanted to catch Anything, not looken for a trophy… a 6 hour trip…<br><br>We started out trolling the 40 fathom ledge, (240 ft.), I’ve been picking up Wahoo, Mahi & school tuna there the past week late in the mornings & was hoping for more of the same for the family of 5 that were visiting from Wyoming.<br><br>After an hour of not much happening on the ledge, I got a call from another charter that was working the outside, 1,000 fathoms…<br>He said the BIG Skipjack were still there & biting fair, he had three already 18 to 25 lbs. but the school was on the move, since it’s only a few miles, I asked the group & we decided to give em a shot.<br><br>As I trolled into the deep, I pulled out the Marauder from the Short position & replaced it with my Purple Soft Head lure, telling the folks, `Might as well…. There might be a Marlin following the Skipjack tuna…. & I made note that we still had the peanut lures out for the smaller eatable fish that Also cruse the deep waters.<br><br>The 19 year gent (the kid) immediately said, “I’ll take THAT rod when it gets bit… I Smiled & said it has his name on it now…<br>His sister `a year younger was saying how, “ANY Fish that can eat THAT lure will be too big for you… I  d & said,” It’ll be “SPORTING”… looking at the 5’6” rod & the Penn International 50SW two speed packed with 80 lb. mono. & I told the young miss, “you get That rod, pointing to the 40 lb. outfit with my Mahi killer on it… `the rest of ya’s kin fight it out…”<br><br>It was a beautiful day… a couple fluffy white clouds passing by in the 13 knot winds, the sea was as Blue as it can be & the swell was nice & spread out, making the lures behind the boat swim as they were designed to…<br><br>The day was going great, Kauai a couple miles in the background, the sun still not high but enough to warm everything without being hot… the family was kiken back enjoying the ride, I had the young miss up on the bridge with me, (I wanted to show her a flying fish ;-)… <br><br>Off in the near distance, I pointed out the other charter boat as it made a pass thru the birds & stopped, I showed how they were kina just keeping a slow forward movement so it was probably a Skipjack they hooked… <br>Then…<br>I saw a Giant Frigate Bird & a couple Red Footed Booby’s hanging, the booby’s were swooping like they do when after the Mahi that are after the Flying fish… `the young miss had a `cute  at the name of the bird & thought I was lying… It’s true, we get Red Footed Booby’s & Blue Billed ones… I prefer the booby’s with red feet over the Booby’s wit blue nose & often tell folks so.… When they are in pairs, `mo beta’s…<br>Cool….<br>As we got close, we saw the Frigate swoop down & grab a 10 inch flying fish out of the air & fly up high so it could piece it out to swallow it, I always like it when folks from the flat lands get to see this, I Still get a big kick out of it myself…<br>The booby’s were still swooping & I pointed out the neon Blue Mahi swimming under it, I kept pointing at it & the family saw it as it saw the peanut lure & swam over a GRABBED it… it was the rod ran off the bridge so when it went off, it was only a foot from the young miss…. <br><br>SNAP ZZZZzzzzzzZZz…it’s Jumping..! ZZZzzzzZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz<br>I told the her, “That’s your rod…. I’ll hand it to ya when ya get on the deck…<br><br>`get the belt on, OK, cool, DON’T jerk… ok, try & do the lift n wind I showed ya earlier… `good, I reeled in the other peanut lure & put a slab of Tuna belly on it & let it back as the young miss worked the nice sized Mahi, having a hard time I might add… I reeled in the short lure & stowed it & gave mom the 30 lb. rod with the slab on it & told her to “just hold it there & when n if another Mahi comes to it, give it a little & when I say, put it in gear & crank…<br><br>The young miss was in the zone, keeping great tension on the line when she could, without jerking, cranking as the Mahi jumped, just holding as it ran… `a Natural…<br> & WHAT a Smile….BEAUUTIFUL… …she’ll make some lucky guy a great wife….<br><br>I told the Kid ta watch, take notes as that is how I’ll Expect him ta work HIS rod when it goes off laters….<br><br>OK..! Look, there’s Another… `Mom ya see it..?… “WoW..! I do…look how Blue it is…<br>Ok, it’s got your bait, give it a little….. OK, put it in gear…ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzz…<br>It’s Jumping…<br>“We get a double going folks..!…Nice ones too..!”<br><br>`interesting only the ladies are bent… `Hmmmm… how does that happen..?<br><br>I got out a bait rig & put another slab on it & gave it to dad showing how to work the reel & said he can put it out if n when another Mahi comes around…<br><br>I put my gloves on, telling the young miss to reel till the swivel gets to the rod tip & if I let go of leader to `Hold On… her Mahi was tired & laid out perfect for the gaff, I closed my eyes & swung…<br>EYEBALL Shot…<br>NICE WON !!!!…`Easy 30 lbs…<br><br>OK dad, there’s another…let yours out… ok cool, it sees it, `let en have a little…OK, put it in gear…<br>ZZZZZzzzzzZZZZZzzz…Ah dang…`missed it….<br><br>“Oh Well”… mom’s still tight, maybe another will come around, if so, the kid gets it, <br>`dad, you had your shot…LOL….<br>I put another slab on & told the kid the same as dad a few minutes before…<br><br>Meanwhile the 8 year old boy is watching with glee… I told him, “we’ll get you one soon… he said , “I’m READY !!! with a  from ear ta ear…<br><br>We quickly took pictures of the young miss & her Mahi & I put it on ice…<br><br>Mom’s fish was close & gave one of the best jump sequences a Mahi can, close to the boat with perfect sun, the light gear helps here, mom didn’t have the technique her daughter had but since it’s hooked on bait, that’s ok as the hook is probably deep… so I was able ta make joke about what the purpose of the handle on the reel is… We All got ta Smile Big…<br><br>She got it close & I asked her too ta reel till swivel got to rod tip & “be ready…<br>This time, the Mahi didn’t lay there for the gaff so when I closed my eyes & swung, I got it in the gills & brought on board & kicked it into the corner, explaining why I ware the big boots… <br><br>Had to  as the bloody Mahi spread it’s blood around, I also wondered `Again, why many folks ware White close fishing… LOL… <br><br>So there we were, All bloodied up, a couple 30 pound Mahi on ice, trolling towards the other boat that has gotten farther away while we worked the Mahi but not too far ta catch up to.<br><br>We now were Really having a great day…. & we `still had 4 hours left…<br><br>`ta be continued…<br><br><b><font color=red>Aloha</b></font color=red><br><br><A HREF="http://www.fishingkauai.com" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[  ]
Yep, I am right there with you.... Salivsting, heart rate up, watching, watching ... watching!<br><br>Great story Dan and I look forward to part 2.<br><br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="http://www.demonjigs.com" target="_new">http://www.demonjigs.com</A>
<br><br>So there we were….<br>TOO MUCH FUN ALREADY…<br><br>I’m feeling pretty good, we got “My target of 100 pounds” on board, a Very Nice Day, a Fun Family Enjoying the trip & my Dawg isn’t even sick this day…<br>`What more could one ask for..?<br><br>Since the schools of Skipjack are still feeding, I decide ta put a lure on the 30 lb. rod out along with the rest, the big Skipjack are great fun on that reel… `Sport Fishing….<br>We’re now trolling 6 lines, a 30 lb., a 40 lb. & my 4- 50SW’s with 80 lb. line…<br><br>As we approach the birds again, it seems they are not quite as active as they were earlier but still moving & busting bait at times, it looks like they have done their number on the bait schools & it’s only taking them a minute or so to eat em now & move so, the chance of getting a pass is Very short.<br><br>We chase the school for a half hour before the next opportunity to get just ahead of em with the boat & turn in front so the lures can ride over the main concentration, when we do….<br><br>Pac ZZzzzzzz…Snap ZZzzzzzzz…Snap ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz<br>TRIPLE !!!! Cool…..<br>ooP’s one came off…`another `off…. But we still git one going, on the 30 lb. rod no less, I think I ripped the lips off on the one the ate the R.C. lure off the rigger `Skipjack have real Soft mouth, & the peanut on the 40 lb. just missed, `usually it gets em, I guess 2 out of 3 strikes is ok for it so far today….<br><br>Dad ends up with the rod bent, the Skipjack Smoked him on the 30 lb…<br>I go down & clear the Soft Head on the short corner, thinking it Really should gitbit with All the Skipjack around & I stow it & the other lures that missed that time around, leaving the long rigger & long corner out…<br><br>Dad does a fine job working the fish to the back of the boat, it holds up a time or two not wanting to get close to `whatever is pulling on it but after 20 minutes it’s at color, dad is a bit fatigued & excited & keeps lifting too hard & not winding fast enough on the drop & is yo-yoing the fish, this gives good opportunity ta explain how the pump n grind works, it’s like fighting a big fish on big tackle, a great match on the 30 lb. rod & 20ish lb. Skipjack.<br><br>Suddenly…<br>The Skippy takes a Hard Long Run….<br>HuH..? At first I thought he hit the freespool but on the star drag, that is hard ta do…<br>Dad is in disbelief as he sees All the hard fought line disappear into the deep blue water….<br>I’m trying ta figure out where the fish got it’s sudden burst of energy & was Quite relieved to see it slow & Finally stop taking line…..<br>Dad works it back up towards the boat straining `Like he hasn’t been in a 35 minute Arm Wrestle before….<br><br>The “Knowing Voice” is giveing All the encouragement & Advice needed, I just sit & watch / wait, wondering about what he really has on…<br><br>When it comes to leader, I again ask ta reel to swivel & I get the 15 ft. 200 lb. leader & start pulling, as it gets close, I can see it’s tail wrapped, must of happened when dad was yo yoing the fish & that explains the hard fast last run.<br>I put the little gaff in it’s head & bring the 20 lb. Skipjack on board, `had ta Smile when Everyone cleared the deck when I popped the artery…`cept the 8 year old, I think he kina likes the RED stuff… LOL<br><br>So there we are…<br>Trolling along, we are back to the 6 lure pattern, & the birds are spread out looking like it’s over for the morning so I head back in a back track of where the fish came from, hoping for more Mahi… or <br>`Really hoping the Short Lure Goes OFFFFFFFF…<br><br>The “Little Pro” is talking about how his tuna is the biggest so far, `”Of Course”…. & the little miss is reminding him that Her Mahi is bigger, mom n dad are getting some Very Quality Family time & the kid is up crowding me off the bridge… so, I tell him where we’re heading (have ta keep the sun on the deck) & go down on the deck letting him drive while I talk with the family… & pack the fish, <br><br>`Have ta Admit, the Big Skipjack are like watermelons, `Purple ones… I lay them on their backs, covering em with ice & lay the Mahi over em…. Explaining how the Mahi will be best prepared sautéed while the Skipjack is Great on the Q…<br><br>After a mile or so…<br>The kid points out a couple booby’s & I see there is also a Frigate & a couple Tropic birds with em up ahead, since we used up the tuna belly I had already, I took out the smallest Skipjack & took the belly off of it & cut it into strips in case we had more Mahi action…<br>I had the kid switch places with me so I could drive & maybe get a pass on what ever the birds were working….<br><br>When we got close, I could see it a school of Bottle Nosed Dolphin, a pretty big school to…<br>Hmmmm….. `maybe some Big Yellowfin under them….<br>I look to see the lures are running good, then go down & reset the drags, `had em set a bit light for the Skipjack but they are gone…<br><br>As we get into the dolphin, they give us Quite the show, at first, a few Big scouts come over & have a look at the boat, then we get into the middle of the school…<br>I told the folks that at times, if they bend over the gunnel & splash the water with their hands, often, the dolphin will swim rite up & look at them…<br>The young miss gave it a try….:-)….<br>& it worked, a nice big one came & said high, it came within a foot of her hand, turned on it’s side & looked rite at her…<br>When the dolphin did this, the young miss let out this excited happy squeal type sound, I thought about…<br> `things….<br><br>After 20 or so minutes of cruising with them, we just got out of the part of the pod that had the mom n baby dolphin….<br>I looked back & said…<br><br><b>“WoW !!!…Look how BIG THAT ONE IS !!!</b><br>I was a bit surprised at the tone of my voice… & the hair Standing up on my neck…<br><br>I pointed to the big Shadow as it came in from the blue part of the third wake….<br>It kina turned towards the short lure & disappeared….<br><br>`stay tuned,<br>I’m Still trying ta remember how the next two hours went…<br><br><br><A HREF="http://www.fishingkauai.com" target="_new"> Stand Up Fish`N Charters Kauai Hawai </A> <br>[  ]
Tell me you got onto one of these Capt.Dan, come on tell me ya did!<br><br><IMG SRC="http://www.demonjigs.com/images/aus2.jpg"><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="http://www.demonjigs.com" target="_new">http://www.demonjigs.com</A>
Sure enjoying your story, Dan...nice writing.<br><br>Jerry Vovcsko<br>Moderator: Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island Forums<br>
Oh yeah, I am enjoying this story. Watch out for the slippery deck kid!<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="http://www.demonjigs.com" target="_new">http://www.demonjigs.com</A>