12-01-2020, 06:40 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2020, 06:41 PM by ScubaChris.)
[color=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.87)]A "How To" Guide To Fish For Surgeonfish!
In this HOW TO video i'll show how to successfully hook large local Pualu "Yellowtail Surgeonfish". Pound for pound this is one of the best fighting reef species. I met local anglers Jared & Jamison who were gathering enough Pualu for that evenings sashimi dinner. These 2 young anglers reminded me of how i once was. So i helped a little by being the net man while i was chunking squid for bigger boys.
Their system was slightly different to what i employ but out of respect i won't mention how they're rigs were. I will show mine which is close to almost everyone else's who fishes for Surgeonfish. I asked permission to take pics & video them & they happily agreed. So i'm dedicating this episode to the fantastic Pualu Anglers Jared & Jamison!
In this HOW TO video i'll show how to successfully hook large local Pualu "Yellowtail Surgeonfish". Pound for pound this is one of the best fighting reef species. I met local anglers Jared & Jamison who were gathering enough Pualu for that evenings sashimi dinner. These 2 young anglers reminded me of how i once was. So i helped a little by being the net man while i was chunking squid for bigger boys.
Their system was slightly different to what i employ but out of respect i won't mention how they're rigs were. I will show mine which is close to almost everyone else's who fishes for Surgeonfish. I asked permission to take pics & video them & they happily agreed. So i'm dedicating this episode to the fantastic Pualu Anglers Jared & Jamison!
![[Image: Screen-Shot-2020-12-01-at-8-29-24-AM.png]](https://i.ibb.co/GsW3X93/Screen-Shot-2020-12-01-at-8-29-24-AM.png)