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Fishing with my daughter
On Thursday my daughter was over for dinner and suggested I should take Friday off and take her fishing. I wasn't sure I could commit, but when I got to work it was slow, so I texted her and we decided to go. Why did I think for a minute work might be more important?

We had an errand to run down by Willard, but didn't have a boat so we stopped at Mantua on the way home. We did see one nearby angler catch a ~16" trout on a spinner but we were getting no interest in a variety of offerings. We decided to head home and try our luck elsewhere. After dropping a trailer off at home, we went up to Cutler reservoir hoping to get some channel cats.

We didn't see any channel cats, but we did catch a bunch of bullheads around the 9-10 inch mark. Daughter was hoping for some fish to take home and eat, so we kept some of the larger ones. She also caught a carp which volunteered for bait duty.

This daughter is one of the good ones. She asked me to teach her how to fillet, and she did half the fish, keeping up pretty well for a first timer.

We fished until just after sundown, and she kept remarking how beautiful the scenery was. I hadn't thought of the place we were fishing as beautiful before, but with her in it, I couldn't help but agree. Now I'll likely see it as beautiful every time I go there. Buying her license was a priceless investment.
It appears to have been a perfect day Sean, good job. Nothing I love more than being outdoors with my daughters.

A Smile like that is a great reward for a job well done. That little cat would be a contender in the small cat contest. Would that beat her brother's?
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
I think it might have been a little smaller than his, but we didn't measure, and she isn't signed into the contest. I should have signed her up though, two weeks ago she caught a 29" channel cat.
That is great that your daughter would ask you to take her fishing. Priceless memories.
Hey Sean, that's a neat post and I'm glad you got a great day out with her... Pretty cool that she will take you out fishing. Thanks for the post... Later J
Thanks, it was a great day. That is one of my greatest hopes, that as we get older and they move out, they'll want to take Dad fishing.
Yup that's pretty dang cool, I managed to poison my daughter away from fishing, we had lots of fun up till about 14 and since then I kind of lost her as a fishing buddy... But hope when they have kids, I'll get to be the fishing connection for the grandkids... I'm happy for you and think that's pretty neat...Later Jeff

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