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info needed on specialty rod
I was wondering if any of you have and information on those rods that don't have guides but you run the line through the rod itself. I was thinking it might be a good investment for my son, it may help eliminate tangles and make the day less frustrating.
thinking about this, engineering wise - it would seem to be superior design, stress is absorbed thru-out the rod, rather than stress points where the guide is wrapped to the rod, . .

but theres no reels i know of to take advantage of this design, and how do you thread the line down that rod!

You know, I saw one of those rods at anglers inn and was trying to figure out why they had blanks on the rod racks. After reading your post I put two and two together, now I know thye didn't forget to put the guides on. [Smile]

Post any info on these rods they peaked my curiosity!
Are you talking about those through the blank rods such as seen in Cabela's catalogs? They use regular reels and the line is fed through a specially designed hole it appears. I thought they would be good, at least the trolling models when they were reduced in price. Without guides it would be harder for my kids to damage them and they should take up less space. I've never seen one in person though.

I own one of them -- they are called inner cast spinning rods.

[url ""][/url]
[size 1][/size]

[size 1]I'm not so sure that I would want to purchase one for a young child. If you think that tangles are a problem, wait until you have to keep rethreading the line through an inner cast rod! It also seems to have some extra drag with braided super lines (the only line that I have tried on it thus far). One can not reach up and hold the line, near the reel as conveniently as with a regular fishing rod. It does have a good feel to it with the line going around the curve of the rod, rather than going from eye to eye.[/size]
How well does it work? is it hard to thread? Can you use it with a spinning reel? Thanks for the photo. I have been asking around and hadn't been able to get any info on them, even from the local fishing shop. Thanks.
It comes with a wire to use to thread it, and it isn't difficult to do -- just be sure to thread it from the bottom up!

[url ";search_string=rod;#33273"];search_string=rod;#33273[/url]

It works ok, but again I wouldn't recommend it for a child. I have used mine only for vertical jigging. I don't think that it would work well with a spinning reel. If you live in the SLC area (I live in the Bountiful area), send me a PM and we can get together and take it down to the city park, one evening, and cast it a few times.
If you like to pull on your line and flip it out in those small streams that won't work with an inner cast rod.
Below is information taken from Cabela's web site on their line of Inner Cast Rods. Never met anyone who has used one and know they are not very popular. I do know that Salmon fishing guides in Alaska do use them

Inner Cast Spinning Rods
Cabela's Inner Cast™ rods reduce many of the common problems associated with traditional-style rods. Because the line runs through the center of our IM-7 graphite Inner Cast™ blanks, we were able to eliminate rod guides for more line contact points and super sensitivity. These rods have fewer flat spots caused by rigid guide feet, and no line-slap or tip tangles for greater castability. Smooth, titanium entry guides and tips handle the toughest super braids and reduce line friction for unbeatable casting performance.Each model comes complete with line threader.

Cabela's Inner Cast Spinning Rods
Item: ID-115076
Price: $39.99

Please use the chart below to find your product and add it to cart
Looks kinda weird to me...
thanks for your help. I checked it out and decided to take a chance. I bought one and it arrived today. It only took me a few minutes to string it up and get it ready for fishing. I will try it out tomorrow on my lunch. (I'd have gone tonight but it was a bit dark byt the time I got home.

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