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Bill Dance in a tube
I was watching outdoor life network today when bill dance came on. He was float tubing. Talk about a great sight as if the show cant be funny somtimes I almost lost it. He dipped himself over at least four times.

One thing that did catch my attention though is that they were moving foward. They said they were using flippers with the flap at the heel of the foot. Has anybody tried them?
[cool]HO HO HO...THE BILL "DUNCE" SHOW. As much as that guy fishes, and as much as he supposedly knows about fishing, he don't know diddly about float tube fishing. I have seen a couple of shows in which he is demonstrating to everybody just how little he really knows.

He goes out with his tube only half inflated, tries to get into a round tube with his fins already on and then tumbles ass over teakettle. He also goes only to private lakes, and fishes only where he has previously located a school of receptive fish. He does this on just about all his shows on bass fishing. There are many farm ponds and private lakes in his home area and he probably pays well for the use of them for his shows.

About the "Paddle Pushers". That is definitely a tipoff that he is not an experienced float tuber. These things were designed a hundred years ago, by the founder of the old FishMaster company, in Oklahome...for good old boys that fished the shallow ponds in the area. They liked to be able to move around in their tubes, but also to walk on the bottom in shallower areas. Almost never did they have to propel themselves further than a few yards on any of the puddles they fished. Here is a website for those contraptions. [url ""][/url]

Here's a pic of the pair I have owned for over twenty years...used only once.

[Image: SCOU1712CustomImage2201489.jpg]

They are almost worse than not having any fins at all. They were designed to be used in a round tube, and you lean forward against the crotch strap to propel yourself forward. Tha blades are pointed backward on the forward kick, and then flap out to catch the water on the back kick. At the very least they give you "crotch cramps". The worst case scenario is that you can cancel your appointment to have a vasectomy. No longer necessary.

As we have established in previous posts, propulsion is a combination of power of thrust, blade size and the design and stiffness of the blade. The most effective fins for float tubing will give good power on both the upward and downward thrust.

I can only imagine some poor fool trying to use these in a high seated craft like my Fat Cat. He would have to thrash the water to a froth, and would probably succeed only in sliding off the slick seat, which has no crotch strap or other restraining system.

If anyone still wants to try them, I got a pair...CHEAP. But, hey, waitaminnit. If I hold on to them another 20 or 30 years, I might be able to get back my original investment if I take them on the Antiques Roadshow.

Hi TubeDude,

I wonder if anyone has tried to invent some powered flippers. Possibly little paddle wheels set in the middle of each of the fins. I need to contact the patent holder that invented the backward flippers for a potential joint-venture. We could alway upgrade them later to jet powered fins. Got any seed money to spare? No harm in asking.

When I swore I recognized the same tree's funny lay over the water in about four of bill's episodes, I began to suspect something might be amiss. Still his show is sometimes great fun. I think Jimmy is a better comedian.

[cool]On occasion, "Uncle Bill" has some good information and showcases new tackle and techniques. But, I can only stand...just so...much...of...his...chopped up...narrative. I don't know if he writes his own stuff, but if he does, you would think he could read it better.

And, Jimmy Houston? Every time he laughs it is like fingernails running down a blackboard.

And Roland Martin? OH SON!!!!! Sorry Roland, but that dingy wife does not belong on your show...even if she is the one with the money...especially when she outfishes you.

And, one of the big unanswered questions of the century. Why do TV fishing show hosts insist on saying everything twice? It sounds like you are in an echo chamber. Nice fish. Nice fish. Hold his head up. Hold his head up. Did you see that? Did you see that? Oh, (bleep)! Oh, (bleep)!

Since Al Lindner got off the In Fisherman program, I don't have much to critique about him. Great fishing, terrible narrative. Kinda like watching the upper midwest version of "Deliverance", when the whole family was in the boat. Made me wonder if wraparound sunglasses and facial hair was heriditary...along with the attitude.

Man, you got me started. Did I miss anything or any one?

Hi TubeDude,

I didn't realize that Rowland had actually married Raven!!
And I've never seen Raven fish either. She must be kind of a retriever cum noodler grabbing the quary in her mouth. he he he

Oh well, you live and you learn.

Of the two shows I like least, both happen to be the 'let's show about 2 or 3 'I didn't say airhead' striking, bikinied ladies with big, big, well really big personalities going to all these exotic places and smiling! ya... mostly smiling. Fishin' is Fishin' and those shows ain't it! ha ha I'm sure their following with the lady angler crowd is rather small too.

[cool]Hey, there's FISHING...and then there's ANGLING. Some guys just like to fish in a well stocked (stacked) pond. Problem is, you really gotta use the high priced baits though, in order to get the ones with big "personalities". Have you ever tried "Diamond Jigs"?
I had a pair of those things.

It took me a minut to see them with them sitting on top of your other fins,

then there they were, I had forgotton all about them.

The fact that tahey are form Oklahome only makes me laugh.

They have some great Bass fishing there.

I should know IWBT.
The one thing that I have got to say about the shows is It gets me out there fishing. When I live in arizona call my brother in law tell him to turn to outdoor life or espn2, next thing you know us two and at least one to three others are pilling into some vehicles and headed out to a lake, stream or evenone of the canals.

So if the secondary purpose to the show is to get people out fishing it worked for me.
[cool]Right you are, SJ. I have my fun with those guys, but I readily admit I have both learned a lot and gained some inspiration for some of my own creative ventures.

If nothing else, they do provide entertainment when you are stuck at home and need some kind of fishing "fix" you don't go totally whacko and start running up and down the street firing an assault rifle.

My only criticism of any of those shows is when the host tries to show off something they do not know float tube fishing. Another thing that bothers me is the host that holds fish out of water too long, while yammering on and on, while the gills dry out. Either that or holding the bass's jaws at a damaging angle...which shows them off for the camera but does not do the fish much good.

I have seen more than a few shows where the fish were allowed to belly flop back into the water, when being released, rather than a gentle sendoff or a bit of reviving. I had reliable info from a buddy who watched one of the major personalities do a show, and the water was covered with "floaters" when the filming was over.

Still, these shows are good for novices and more experienced fisherman alike. They do a good job of informing of new tackle and techniques, and I generally learn something from every show I watch...even if it is what NOT to do.

By the way, thanks for dropping in and sharing your insight.
I am flipping between espn2 and outdoor network can not decide wether to watch saltwater fishing of the carolinas or steelhead in oregon.[laugh]
[cool]Whassa matta? Haven't you heard about video recording devices? I hardly ever watch off the networks. When I tape them I can zip through all the good ol' boy commercials and just watch the meat and taters.

Sorry, can't help you with those big decisions. Now, if it was something who was going to be the next governor....
nice tag one who fishes have a shirt that says the exact same thing from mexico haha

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