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Pine Valley Reservoir?
Does anyone know if this body of water still holds fish?

I am having troubles finding any information on this place.

Thanks for any info you have!


[#0066cc]Pine Valley Reservoir[/#0066cc]
Brook Trout, Rainbow Trout
[Image: new.gif](Jun 30) Because of the Saddle Fire, access to Baker Reservoir and Pine Valley Reservoir is closed indefinitely.

this is the most recent thing I can find about it
Thanks for your response. Hmm. The latest from Southern Utah reports is the following:

Baker Reservoir
Access to Baker Reservoir and Pine Valley Reservoir is open again.

Doesn't say anything in regards to fish though. I guess I'll just try my luck & go see. If anyone has been there recently, please let me know Smile
they stock it every 3 week with planter it just a little pond
Thank you sir!

Is fishing pressure high? Do you happen to know if any of the fish holdover?

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