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That is an absolutely beautiful fish. They don't look like that on the sunday morning fishing shows. Thanks for sharing.
Good Fishing, Kayote
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nice red. did you catch any with more than one or two spots? i have seen tournaments where the red with the most spots wins.
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Man oh man what a nice looking! Bet that was fun to catch!
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That one was our biggest of the day, just under 6lbs and it put up a huge fight. We caught 3 other smaller reds, none with more than 1 spot. It sure is different fishing for them. We used live mullet, would toss the mullet out and then wait for the red to come along and suck it in. When he first hits it you hear a loud pop, you keep the bail open, and just let him take it and run straight out for about 10 seconds. Then you close the bail, point the rod at the fish, real straight back and set the hook as soon as you feel tension. We lost several fish at first because we would try to set the hook the second he hit, and didn't let him run with it first.
We caught several lady fish, all 10-15" but they put up a nice fight too. A bunch of ocean trout, with the 1 fang on the top lip, and a couple cats, and a crab
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That is a great looking fish. My In-laws just went to North Carolina. I cant wait to go back in July to visit them. My father in law is an advid shark fisherman. He grew up fishing the seas.
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Sounds like a load of fun! I've been dreaming of fishing the ocean waters for a while now and would love to hit the redfish sometime. Ever watch the "Spanish Fly" on the tube on Sat or Sun mornings? Fun to watch, but I'd rather be there with my hands on the rod and playing with those fish.
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[cool][blue][size 1]I have fished reds all around the coast from northern Florida to Corpus Christi, TX. They are a ton of fun and great eatin'[/size][/blue]
[#0000ff][size 1]Here are two pics of a batch of mixed redfish and sea trout from the canals below New Orleans. Great place to launch a float tube and be totally out of boat traffic, but surrouded by fish. Had some 100 fish days. They aren't as pretty pink as those Indian River reds, but they stretch your string and bend your stick.[/size][/#0000ff]
[#0000ff][size 1]Note the multiple spots on the tails of a couple of those reds in the picture. I released a small one once that must have had well over twenty spots on it. The biggest red in the pics was 33" and 13.5 pounds. That's a lot of fish on freshwater bass gear but it's just a baby compared to the30 to 40 pounders they get outside in the open waterways.[/size][/#0000ff]