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Tough day at the berry for kokes
I started Saturday morning at the berry on the Soldier Creek Side at 8 a.m. along the East wall no love was shown there, nor did anyone else get anything that I could see. Made my way over to the west side near the Narrows. About 12 a chop came up on the water and I was able to get one medium koke. I reworked and reworked and reworked that area to no success.

I then saw another boat pick up a koke and headed for that general area. I was able to dial in the area with two landmarks in a depth of 192. Though the fish were shallow probably about 25 ft.. I was using downrigger and Lead Core the Lead Core was out 77 feet in the downrigger was multiples in the 25 foot range. What was surprising the fish were considerably out further than where I was used to.

I was able to fish that area and get it dialed in for about 2 hours picked up three lost one at the boat. The nice one I got was 19 inches and a girth of 13 inches

So that blew my theory that kokes only bite in the morning.

I also believe that the chop helped hide my boat to some skittish fish

Question: I trolled with both Lead Core and downrigger and the downrigger produced absolutely nothing even though same terminal tackle, what's up.
At least you put a few in the boat, enjoy the meal and thanks for the info.
Thanks for the report. That is a nice fatty koke

Hi Uintaman , i use Fluorocarbon line on my Koke rods including the leader. I've never used Leadcore line for trolling, I know it works for trolling as I have a family member that used it religiously with a lot of success . I like the fluorocarbon line because it disappears in the water . All the fish see is the bait or lure presentation that you are offering . I think that leadcore line is too bulky , but JMHO.
Tightlines buddy.
hey, that could be, my leader on leadcore i think is fluorocarbon, and my down rigger rod is mono. But the leadcore is highly visible?
If I have 3 in the boat I will put a lead core line out so we can have six lines out
I don't like catching kokes on it so will set it up with a worm
I have heard that kokes are not afraid of the line but to much stuff in the same place can scare the kokes away. are they don't know what to go after.
Also how far back were you setting back from your down riggers?

When Fish are shallow they are scared off by the boat. as others have said that when fishing shallow they will set back a longer distance (50-70 yards) while running their down riggers shallower. That may be why the lead core line was working better.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
i was there ,and we never caught anything deeper than 15 feet .we were by the dam kind of , if you ran your rigger at 25 feet you were way to deep imo , and you lead line rig probably was not as deep as you thought . i went over to the strawberry side and caught more and bigger kokes after 3 o clock but still only at 17 feet .

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