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BFT Banquet
had a great time !
just wanted to say thank you to all that sponsored, Maniac lures, Pat (tubedude), RockyRaab just to name a few. To Jeff (SkunkedAgain) and Ron (hookngrinins) for all the hard work they put into running these activities.
There's Always Time For One More Cast
[#0000FF]Congrats on your win...for the cat contest. Hope you get some good use out of all the loot you scored.
Looks like a good time. Thanks for posting some pictures.
Congrads John, it was a great year for you with the BR cats, thanks for getting some pics of the event.
If I may speak on behalf of the other sponsors and myself, it was a pleasure to support the club.
It was a fun time meeting and visiting with fellow BFTers. Thanks to Jeff and his efforts and enthusiasm.

It was good to meet you John. Congratulations.
Hey John thanks so much for putting up those photo's I really appreciate that. I was going to do it and just haven't found time to sit down and get it done... Thanks... Did want to congratulate you on an outstanding 94" of Catfish in 3 fish, that is amazing.... Especially if you seen all the 28 +'' fish you bumped off your score tally... Truly an amazing feat you pulled off this year, you really earned your king title... Proud to have you on team North, you really rocked it for us... Now lets get ready for the ice... Later J
Thanks Ron, Hey I did want to get a picture of your mount on the post, that was truly amazing.... Still jealous of FFL for his win... But hey maybe I seen his fish before he did... It rocks....Thanks Ron.... J
Here's a photo of that mount. J

[inline image.jpeg]
Hey hope I'm not stepping on Darrell's toes by saying this but Bovineowner kicked in a beef package that Sharksugar doesn't know he won yet, but will be nice to have bunch of steaks and roasts to feast on... Anyway, if anyone out there is looking for quarter, half or whole beef at a wholesale price Darrell would be glad to hook you up and help you fill your freezer... Get a hold of me or PM Bovineowner and he can get you the details... Appreciate that great prize... Also need to remember Sportsmans Warehouse that hooked up a ton of prizes to the other winners as well... So next time your in there, especially the logan store, make sure you tell them thanks for sponsoring our contest, they are rock solid helpers years after year and they don't make it painful to get the prizes lined up like a few of the other retailers... so tell them thanks... Later J
John, Congrats on the win. Sorry I missed the dinner.
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Here it is in better lighting.

[inline TigerTroutReplica.JPG]
Great job MC'n for this first time at the banquet, and certainly hope to be there next year.....good food, (tks RR) and even better meeting some super people from this wife was very glad she came with me also, and we both thank you and all donors and sponsors for your efforts....
That looks much better than my yellow photo. Does it more justice that way. Really nice mount thanks for showing us. Later J
I'm glad you two made it. Thanks for the compliment, but it's a pretty self run deal with a lot of good folks coming together and sharing an evening where ya get to talk about fishing without being shutdown. Probably why my wife didn't come, she hears too many fish stories. Thanks so much for joining us and hope to see you again next time. Later J

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