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I’m relatively new to the area. I started last year in April when cats were already biting. So I’m curious when they start showing as I’ve been out around the harbor multiple times hoping with the warm weather they may come early.
Also has anyone caught walleye near the harbor. I’ve heard they are there but I’ve never been able to land one.
Any info advice about Lincoln beach and timing of things I would appreciate it.
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Get with tubedude he has all the info you desire on CD, I sure learned a lot from them,
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[#0000FF]Every year is different on Utah Lake. The combination of water levels and water temperatures dictate where and when the fish show up.
Walleye will run up inside the harbor...when there are bluegills, crappies or white bass inside for their dining pleasure. Some guys catch walleyes by accident while throwing lures for white bass.
A better bet...close to the off the ends of the two rock dikes on either side of the channel entrance. It is always hit or miss but there have been some good walleyes caught there over the years.
Water levels are coming up right now so rock hopping or wading off Lincoln Point is not an option. At least not safely. But if you have a boat, tube, toon or yak you can work the rocky shorelines from the lake side. And that is a good area for love minded walleyes after water temps hit about 45 degrees. Until then you can find feeding walleyes cruising almost anywhere out from the rocks in their prespawn feeding mode. 3" plastic twisters or diving crankbaits are the preferred offerings.
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As the designated Harbor Master for Lincoln Beach (an assumed position) I am pleased to announce the following changes to this years fishing season: The walleye “season” will be moved up one month and will begin in earnest on or about the first day of March; white bass will be active and feeding immediately with the bite intensifying as they move toward an early spawn; channel catfish will feed sporadically and can be caught by early March but they will be lethargic, offering little resistance to the cataholics who pursue them. The cat bite and fight will increase in intensity as the water temperature moves toward the 60 degree mark. Expect a banner year for large channel catfish this year with the potential for a new state record caught by... me.
Btw, TD’s CD is well worth the $20 for anyone seeking the secrets of Utah Lake.
Let it begin.
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I drove by Lincolon the other day. I was surprised at how high the water was. I intended to drive over to the first warm spring, but there was to much water. Have to get the boat out. BLK, how much water is there in the channel there?? I talked to someone who has launched there already and they reported that it was only about 18" ( his yr old lab was walking down the middle of the channel, water up to his chest). So I am not sure how much is really there right now !!
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The water level is higher every time I ride out that way. Surprising. Doesn't seem like there has been enough snow for a decent runoff... yet, but still the water level is rising every day. Good to see and I hope it continues. I have not launched yet this year but I'm sure there is between two and three feet of water in the channel. Pisco launched the last week of January and had plenty of water. Seems like he said it was two feet plus deep then.
With what looks like a pretty good snow storn coming next week maybe there is hope for a fair-to-middlin' water year. Hope so, I'm ready.
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Thanks for all the reply’s. I took the boat the boat out on Saturday the 17th and the water temp was 40 degrees and it was between 4-6 feet in the harbor and about 9 feet on the lake. We cruised over to sandy beach and bird island as my son wanted to see the areas for wallet and catfish and tried our lunch out for a little bit but didn’t get any hits. But it was a beautiful day. Looking forward to the early walleye spawn mentioned and many more days out on the lake.
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Same as me on sat afternoon 4 to 6 feet in channel 9 on open water. Only graphed 3 fish on sonar but it was a good first outing on for the year. Just enough to calm my nerves over this little to no snow year, I gotta find a better way to mount the trolling motor.
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I actually remember seeing you I believe on your float tube. I passed you at the mouth of the harbor coming in with my son on the aluminum 14’ boat. I’m sorry it was slow for you but glad you got your nerves worked out. It seems that the motor is in a very manageable place. What other options are there. If people ever want a fishing partner message me.
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Hey Mooseman welcome to BFT. Hope you enjoy being part of the group. We'll be kicking off the next installment of the Catfish contest soon. You're welcome to join in with us.
Greg, what's wrong with your motor mount other than it seems too close to your seat? I have mine mounted at footrest position and it works pretty well. Might just take a little tweaking to work out the bugs. I know if it's too close to the center of the craft it won't steer as well. Is that your problems with it? Later J
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Skunkedagain I’m really interested in this catfish contest. What exactly is it and how does it work. Without knowing anything about and I’m still excited lol. I caught catfish fever last year and it’s boiling right now while I wait for the chance to get out start catching them again.
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Oh did you ask the wrong question to me... Caution the following post may be excessively long.... Naw I'll try and keep it under control... The cat contest is a lot of fun and can become an obsession so be careful or you may become another cataholic.... What we try to accomplish is a largest 3 catfish contest and to make it more fun we add a team aspect to it, by putting the north part of the state against the south part of the state... Or basically Utah Lake and the Jordan against the Bear River and Cutler... We record your catches and when you get something bigger we replace your smallest cat with the better one... The rules are listed in the Utah Contest board section of the forum. Easiest way to get there is go to the state fishing forums, select Utah, then from the list you'll see Utah contests. Click on that section and then scroll down a ways and you'll find the Catfish contest rules... you can also look through some of the posts from last year to get a flavor of the contest.. It really is a lot of fun if you like to push yourself to catch bigger cats... Everyone on the board seems to take this competition as a fun spirited event where everyone shares the how to's and all helps each other do better at the same time they rib you if their team is doing better than yours... If I get busy I'll get the new rules in place this week, we are shooting to start March first this year... More later J...
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Thanks skunked. I’ll look forward to the new rules posting as all I was able to find was how how to record your catch, and maybe that is the rule. Regardless I looked through last year and I’m excited and want to be apart of it. Thanks so much for brining it to my attention. It will be fun to be apart of the team and groups.