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Lower Fish Creek Disaster
Lower Fish Creek was a wonderful fishery. Due to 3 horrible water years the fishery is now on its last leg. And now the railroad dumps 40 to 50 tons of coal about a mile
below Scofield into LFC. See the article.
Anyone know the exact impact of coal on water for fish survival? As I understand it it relatively neutral and will most likely filter the water.
At least it wasn’t a toxic substance dumped into the river. I doubt this will impede recovery when the drought ends.
It will not filter the water in any way other than not allowing sticks and logs to pass through it. Activated Charcoal is a filtering agent, but not coal.
Coal should also not hurt the water as long as it is removed from the water. If not removed, elements in the water could cause leaching of elements in the coal, into the water and on downstream.
according to as of 9/28, Fishing below the dam at Scofield Reservoir is good if you're looking to catch chubs, try using soft hackle flies. Hopefully the tigers and browns are still doing well below the coal spill.
This just makes me sick. I was catching fish right there this time last year. There was so little water flowing that it looked marginal then. I hope someone will keep us up to date on how this goes.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.

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