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UL whities
Decided to go do some dock hopping this morning . The target fish were crappie.
Only found 2 of those but a bunch of white bass wanted to play. Tug are tugs so I had fun. Wasnt too cold managed about 20 fish in the 3.5 hours I fished Not fast but entertaining. Kept a couple for bait and the rest are out there waiting for ice to form.
Good on ya. I love to chase those things on the ice
Wasnt any ice yet but still fun. These were all pretty good sized fish too even the two crappie were pretty good sized.
Is the Provo boat harbor producing any white bass this time of year? Guess I should just go give it a try...
Provo is producing a few. Try tipping your jig with a small piece of white bass meat. Tap the bottom a few times and then slowly lift.
Thanks for the tip. I may go try LB after dark this evening.
White Bass are more of a daytime fish. You can catch one here and there but daylight is the best time to catch those sight feeding fish.
Thanks for the tip. I have caught them in the summer after dusk for a couple of hours, but that is in May during the spawning season.

I tried to go to Provo Harbor, but it is closed after 5 for a Seasonal Light Show.

I am going to go to LB tomorrow...
Hey, thanks for scouting it out. Let us know how it goes.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
thanks for the report

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