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After reading about Chesterfield here, I talked my brother into hitting it on Wednesday. We got on the water around 7:30 am. We were both using leaded trolling line. It took us over an hour to find something they liked. People were catching them on power bait. I kept trying different colors of flatfish, while my brother was trying needle fish. He finally found a orange and white needle fish that worked, and we both started catching them on it. The fish finder said most fish were hanging in the 12 to 17 foot range. We seemed to catch most in 25 foot of water and four colors out on our leaded line. They were nice fat fish, but we didn't see or catch any much over two pounds. I only saw three big fish on my fish finder in 6 hours of fishing. We lost track of how many we caught, around 30 or so. This is what we kept.
Sounds like you had a great trip
Good going Randy, Would like to have been there also.

We are still getting into the Cats down here. My wife and I caught 16 last time out. I really haven't thought much about trout until reading your post.

Richard J

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