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Lets Flig - Flig School Reminder
For the life of me, I can’t tell what “flig” stands for. What does it mean? I’ve Googled it and nothing relating to fishing pops up.
Thanks Cowboy and Cookie for hosting this - what a great turn out, great food and some great teaching from TubeDude.

We really enjoyed ourselves and meeting some new faces.
Flig is one of Pat's creations, it stands for floating jigs... Basically he attaches a chunk of dense foam on a jig hook and makes it look fishy then when you put a weight on your line the flig floats up from the bottom by the amount of line you left between the weight and the flig... It's kind of like using a marshmellow on your nightcrawler, it gets your hook off the bottom to where the fish find it... They are really pretty neat little bait delivery methods... But it's probably one of those words that you'll only hear when talking with someone that knows TubeDude... Hope that helps...

PS... Cowboy, sorry I didn't make it down to the fliggin tonight... dentist won... Later Jeff

What a great time this evening. We enjoyed putting faces and names togther and hope to spend some time fishing along side a few of them in the future. It was our pleasure to host the event. I especially appreciate the full court press that a group applied to Cookie to get her on the ice this year - you may have done it. And Pat's demo was excellent. The detail he puts into the fligs is just amazing. My only regret was Pat got out the door before I was able to raid his stash of fligs. I think he is hedging his bets for the catfish contest next year. The wiper twins also did a nice job of showing the set up.

Just all-in-all a nice evening with good people.

[#0000FF]My thanks to you for hosting the show-and-tell. You do good work with the vittles. Yum.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]About the fligs. I am sure we will have an excuse to get together again sometime before kitty chasin' next year. I'd be glad to help you put together a starter kit...and at a steep discount. Of course, once you are "hooked" the price escalates proportionate to your degree of addiction.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I know you travel around a lot with your job. Just let me know when you might be in the Salt Lake area and you are welcome to visit my playroom.
Ditto the vittles kudos. I for one didn't expect a full gourmet spread, but that's what Cookie and Cowboy dished up. I didn't dare accept a takehome bag, because it would have made my wife extremely jealous.

Also dittos on the amount of detail and tedious work that goes into making something as ostensibly simple as a flig. I tried to estimate the number of hours involved in making the hundreds of fligs Pat showed us. My admittedly limited mind is boggled.
My compliments to the host for the excellent meal put together and providing a venue site for this gathering. I miss the farm life with all the security animals, geese, chickens, Guinea hens, and of course the beagle, any peacocks around? [bobwhistle] The memories of growing up as a kid.

A big thanks to Pat for sharing his knowledge & passion of FLIG making. This truly generated interest in us in making our own and experiment with other designs.

Once again its nice putting names to the faces of some and meeting up with others I know.

Thanks to all
Roger (BDuck)

"I tried to estimate the number of hours involved in making the hundreds of fligs Pat showed us."

[#0000FF]Good to see you again Rocky. Glad you could make it. And thanks for your lighting up my life with your super little TAC flashlight.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]About the hours. You have golf. I don't. So when I am not fishing I gots tacklecraft projects. As my wife says, it "keeps me off the streets and out of trouble". As you observed, I have a lot of time to fill. So fligging around helps.[/#0000FF]
Thanks to the Pirate Crew and Pat. I enjoyed the food, demonstration, and the company.
Pat, if those paint fumes cost you one brain cell per flig, you're in a world of hurt by now! It was my pleasure to illuminate your lure-ific legerdemain.

(Next time, I expect union rates for stage lighting.)
"(Next time, I expect union rates for stage lighting.)"

[#0000FF]I'll be happy to split what I charge with you 50-50.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I work cheap and I'm worth it.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Brain cells? Now where did I put those? Flying high and fligging high. Alla same differments.[/#0000FF]
Thanks for putting this together. Great information, great food and met some new people. Hopefully can put the information to use and meet up with the people on the water.
Bryce Lowder
I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to.
Really enjoyed the get together and flig demo, thanks so much for hosting this event, hopefully you can get that boat on the water next year and get some figging time in. Get job on the eats too, almost seemed like you had done that before[cool].
Tks a bunch from me also....great food, great group, great cookies by " The Cookie"! ... we didn't argue about politics, no fists were thrown, and we even got a little new joke fodder from Tube Dude as he was doing the Flig demo....Tube Dude is one amazing guy...tks for sharing your skills, talents, jokes, time....and again tks to the Cowboy Pirate crew for hosting....
Thanks CowboyPirate and TubeDude. I had a great time. It was great getting to know everyone and put a few faces with the names. I am excited to try to make a few of those fligs myself. I can't imagine it makes financial sense but it looks fun!
[#0000FF]If you really want to make some, I can help you out with a few foam plugs to start...rather than spend for a complete foam pad. After that, a few small bottles of paint and some hooks is about it.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Let me know if you wanna come over and get a "starter kit".
Where and what kind of paint do you use? Do you use a brush for all of your lures, or do you have a little airbrush? I learned a lesson today about color, I'd become complacent and have been using a couple colors that seem to always treat me well.... Today after being shut out I tried a new color scheme and the fish just lit up the finder and the bites went wild... I've never seem color be so important as it was today, so I'm starting to believe your comment of putting a yellow stripe down the pale perch making such a big difference... Also I think it was you that also mentioned when it's cloudy and overcast to fish dark colors... That was so true today... Anyway thanks Jeff
[#0000FF]I almost exclusively use the vinyl jig paints by CS Components. They have all the good you can custom mix to get special colors. They are available through Sportsmans and most online outlets.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]I tried using airbrushes in the past. They work well for some applications. But for the special patterns I make...on smaller lures...hand painting is the only way to get what you want.[/#0000FF]
[#0000FF]Attaching a writeup on painting jig heads. Pretty much the same for fligs and other lures.
Thanks so much Pat, appreciate you sharing that great info. I’m still working on your rod building info, thank you very much and I’ll get back with you when I catch up on it. Thanks again. Jeff

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