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Thanks for the timely reminder. I just renewed my license a few days before it expired. I am blessed with an old dumb phone so I keep my paper license in my fishing pants and so far haven't had a problem. I'm sorry you didn't do better on the fish but it warms my heart to hear how you were helped by a kind stranger.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
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Thanks for the head's up i need to check my app i use it but a good reminder it's nice of people to help out especially when kids are involved better luck on the nixt outing at least there were a couple fish on the deck have you heard anything on electric lake i might be in that area for the weekend
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I take a screen shot of my license after opening the dnr app.
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Good thinking. I have done that in the past, but not with the most recent licenses. I did the same (afterwards) but will make myself a picture folder of the licenses from now on.
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[fishon] Thanks for the reminder - I thought I had my license downloaded on the app, but it looks like I don't. I guess when my phone reset it self last month it went away. I think you just saved me a ticket this year. I am downloading the app right now. [fishon]
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Sorry to hear you got a citation even if you had a current license! Phones are awesome, but sometimes they let you down.
I was at Rockport on Saturday morning and got checked for the first time in 10 years. I was fortunate to have already downloaded my license on my phone (although I did have good reception at Rockport.)
Checking fisherman's licenses on the ice seems to be a lot easier them hopping from boat to boat especially at places like Rockport and Echo where it can be 'tent city' at times.
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I also take a screen shot. Then I usually print out a couple of paper copies. I keep one in the car and one with my usually fishing gear. Don't know why, I've actually never been checked while fishing. I've been asked for my license 4 times while not fishing. I only bothered to show it once because I had actually been fishing about 15 minutes earlier and it was easily assessable in my chest pouch.
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That's really odd. Once you download your license in the Utah DWR App you dont need service to pull it up.
I'm guessing that you didn't have it downloaded in the first place.
One thing I wish the app did was send an alert when a license is close to expiring. I always set an alarm on my calendar to notify me.
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This same scenario happened to me with a dead phone battery at pineview a few years back. I asked the officer if I could prove it from his phone and he was kind enough to allow me to do that. Best part was while he was working with me, the jaw jacker went off and pulled nearly a 20” trout with him standing with me. He was as surprised as I was to see that fish.
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Seems like 90% of the fishing I do is with no signal. Don't you guys keep your paper copy in your wallet? I'm religious about it myself, there might be a 1 week period after I've bought a new one that the current combination license is not in my wallet but that's literally one week a year.
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Do you not get the paper license sent to you shortly after its purchase to carry on your person?
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Never knew there was a App, learn something new every day.
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It's a thing that my phone does to save space. If an app hasn't been used for a while, the phone essentially deletes the app even if the app thumbnail is still there. So I couldn't get back in to download the app due to poor service. I could text and call out just fine from there.
That's smart to set the alarm. I'll have to start doing that too!
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Glad I could help!
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I do get that, but with the change in regulations and being able to pull it up on my phone, I stopped carrying the paper copy. I still don't think I'll carry the paper copy now, but I'll be more vigilant about checking that everything is in the green on the app while I'm prepping for my trip and getting ready to leave. I'll also have a screenshot of the license as back-up. I guess the only part that I'm not planning on, and probably should, is if my phone dies! But it's usually plugged in charging on the way to the lake so that shouldn't be an issue... But what if I lost the phone into the water? I've seen that happen a few times.
Paper copy may still be best. I'm thinking I should reconsider all the technological benefits of being able to have the license on my phone.
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Was glad I dropped in and read this thread. Like Craig, I still use my old "dumb" flip phone and carry my fishin lic in my wallet. But my wife has hers on her phone app, so I will be sure to remind her to check it next time.
Nice to know that maybe her license app may shut down due to non use. Thanks
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
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Well I can tell you that this brown kid has been checked dozens of times. Never out of compliance though.
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I keep my paper copy in my wallet because I go to get away from the phone so it stays in the truck.
Bryce Lowder
I do what the voices in my wife's head tell me to.