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Hitting My Childhood Bonefish "Oio" Flats!
The Young Jacks Made it Hard to Keep a Baited Line in The Water - Had to Walk my Lines Out!

I shot this earlier in the year when my dad was still with us. I found this spot in my teens a few miles away from where i grew-up. I'd swim out to the outer reef to dive for fish. I ended up at Straub Hospital because i came in from a dive here and was standing in the water a few feet from shore when a large conger eel grabbed my foot through my fins & tore-up my big toe. That eel followed me in from the drop-off for my fish.

This day was the first time back since my teens. The remains of the pier has fully disintegrated. I speared & hooked many Jacks "papio" here. Fought some decent Bonefish "Oio" as well. It was nice to be back after 40yrs! I looked inside my older Yi Action Camera & found this footage so i just put it together. So i'm dedicating this video to my father Wallace Takahashi. May you Rest In Peace dad.

Fishing Rigs Used-
2- 12ft Okuma Nesika Rods (NSK-S-1202MH)
2- Okuma Blue Azores 4K Spinning Reels (Z-4000H-BLUE)[Image: Cover1.png]

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