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Cat Chat
I’m finding the skeeter problem on Cutler also that time of day, but I did finally catch another channel even if it was only 22.5”. Felt good to get a cat again. Just too wimpy to stay long after the skeeters start biting my hands and neck. Got to toughen up. Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
(07-29-2020, 04:58 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: I’m finding the skeeter problem on Cutler also that time of day, but I did finally catch another channel even if it was only 22.5”. Felt good to get a cat again. Just too wimpy to stay long after the skeeters start biting my hands and neck. Got to toughen up. Later Jeff

  One tactic I have been using, several places along the BR, I can park my truck close to the spot  I have my poles in their holders, and sit in my truck away from all  the skeeters, flies, wasps. I have small mesh Skeeter Beaters that magnet to outside of truck windows, so I can keep windows down for the breeze, but keep all the bugs out.  Big Grin
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Sound.s like a good idea. Did a night trip last night in the boat and the knats were terrible. Pretty moon though. J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
So where’s all the channels this time of year? We nailed a ton of bullheads this morning and my nephew was the only one to hook a little channel. We tried several of my go to holes that were deep for Cutler around 12 to 16’ but only found yellow bellies. Tried the 4’ depths last trip and same story. Going for a night run again tonight and hoping to at least find some cookie cutters. Man it’s hard to believe how much they seem to disappear. Later J
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Here's a picture of today's cat.  [Image: 20200805-200035.jpg]
(08-06-2020, 03:31 AM)Jig-fisher Wrote: Here's a picture of today's cat.  [Image: 20200805-200035.jpg]
Great fish Paul, man I can’t even find a cookie cutter lately. Congrats Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Another one today.  30.5.  Just couldn't stretch it out any further.

[Image: 20200806-154455-1.jpg][Image: 20200806-154015-Burst01.jpg]
I started a thread over on the General board about a 30" club. Please check it out and respond if you have anything to add. Fish on.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Well It has been a wild and crazy year on and off the water that's for sure.
Still like always it has been fun. Lots of nice fish coming out of the south. including Lynn's(BLK) contest record 34 inch monster. Fishing has slowed up here in the north. With 11 more days it might be tough to find any bumper fish, but always fun to try.
An early congratulations to Lynn on his win, and a big thank you to Jeff, and Forest for the the time and work they put into running this contest for us. With COVID-19 I don't see our annual get together this year. So I'll be seeing you all on the water next year.
There's Always Time For One More Cast
I agree with John about this year being wild and crazy. I can't complain too much because it has been a banner year for me. The 34 incher i caught was a pb and will always be remembered but the best fish i caught this year was a 31 inch 18+ pounder. I have never seen a cat with a girth, a solid  girth, like that one. I have seen a few with pot bellies that were pretty big but this one was solid as a rock and put up a hell of fight -- a real drag smoker.

I have hit the big pond pretty hard the last couple of days hoping for a score boost. Weather has been good but the cats just don't seem to want to play. I caught about 12 today but i worked for them -- five hours. The best was an almost 28 incher, others were 24-5 inchers. Not much fight to them with the colder water, 54 degrees today.

With cold and wet weather coming (??) it looks like I'm probably done chasing cats. Sure hope we get some good winter snow so we can fish next year. 

It has been fun and I have enjoyed all the posts and pics from all the BFT cataholics. Special thanks to Jeff and Forest for keeping the scores up to date. Hope I am still around next year to pick up my chase for that 36 incher.

To be continued next year...

Lynn aka BLK
John and Lynn you guys are the top Cat Catchers in my book.  Yep been a REALLY strange year. I think because of the covid nonsense that started just about same time as the Cat Contest, more folks have been driven out to the various bodies of water just to get out of the house and still do the social distancing thing. What better way than to be out on the water.....  Most people I have ever seen along the Bear River during a week day, every accessible spot occupied many times.  And the parking lots at both north and south Willard Bay marinas have been absolutely filled many times this past summer. 

Fishin for contest size cats was a real workout.  Last year I squeaked out a modest 85.0 points total, this year so far 84.5. I doubt I'll bump it with only 10 days left. But you never can tell. Bottomwatcher jumped up to win it all back in 2016 in the last couple days. 

I appreciate the good words from you both, but Jeff was forced to work from home making his task double difficult.  

Lynn, a big CONGRATS on the biggest Cat this year.  I'll hold off saying congrats on your contest win until the last day. 

Big Grin    
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
I gotta say that the South finally rose up and put a licking on us this year.  Biggest fish, best overall score, top 10 and top 20 winner.  I was also impressed with the number of 30+ inch fish and especially the number of individuals that hit that magical score of 90 or better.  Averaging 30" or better with 3 fish is fantastic.  10 individuals hit that mark this year, far surpassing the previous high that I think was 4.  Great fish Lynn and congrats on your year.  I am probably finished chasing cats for the year as well.  Looking forward to the ice contest and then the cat contest next year.  It was fun again.
Well gang Reels are cleaned and oiled, new line added, hooks and weights stocked up. Ready for another fun filled season of catfishing.
Has there been a start date set yet? Last year with the new BFT site and covid we got a late start.
There's Always Time For One More Cast
(02-08-2021, 02:28 PM)Ahi1953 Wrote: Well gang Reels are cleaned and oiled, new line added, hooks and weights stocked up. Ready for another fun filled season of catfishing.
Has there been a start date set yet? Last year with the new BFT site and covid we got a late start.
 I don't much care whether we start on March 1 or 15 but would like to know asap so plans can be made. I think the issue may be who is going to run it. I don't know who makes that decision. It's a pretty big job and I don't have the time or energy or expertise to take it on.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Craig, John, 
Due to the change of web site, and Jeff having to telework last year, I helped out best I could keeping the scores posted. And I have been helping Lance with the Ice Contest.  But I have chased the kitties the last several years to the exclusion of other species and locations I would like to try.  That doesn't mean I won't pressure the Cats again, but I am considering staying out of the contest this year. 

I look forward to meeting up with you guys and other BFT Catters at various bodies of water as the summer progresses. 
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
I sure understand, Forest. Since we have our 4 yo great-granddaughter living with us and are tending our 4-mo granddaughter we quite literally have no spare time. Otherwise I would volunteer my wife and myself.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
Not sure what Curt's thoughts are, but I could give it another go provided you're okay with slower updates.... I've got a lot on my plate these days and so I don't get as much time on BFT so if you can handle that and Curt is okay with it... I'll give it another go around... Later Jeff
PS... Start time March 15th so we don't have two contests overlapping too much... Same rules as previous years...
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!
Wow, Jeff, that's a brave offer. I know how much you have to do. I think we can all be patient with your update schedule.
The older I get the more I would rather be considered a good man than a good fisherman.
(02-09-2021, 08:12 PM)SkunkedAgain Wrote: Not sure what Curt's thoughts are, but I could give it another go provided you're okay with slower updates....  I've got a lot on my plate these days and so I don't get as much time on BFT so if you can handle that and Curt is okay with it... I'll give it another go around... Later Jeff
PS... Start time March 15th so we don't have two contests overlapping too much... Same rules as previous years...

   Jeff,    Can you open this thread back up at the top of the Contests Forum in the Important Threads, so it doesn't get pushed down in the Normal Threads, purge out the chat comments from last year  and maybe rename it to  Cat Contest Chat 2021  ? 

I still have the modified rules from last year, I can post in a jpg format if you want. And I can send the standings excel sheets to you or anyone else that may want to work with you  this year. 
"OCD = Obsessive Catfish Disorder "
    Or so it says on my license plate holder
Hey Forest, I hope all went well with your operation... Must have if you're able to see enough to get back on line... Hope all heals up well... Hey how about we start a new Cat Chat 21 post rather than purging stuff... Then I'll fix that up top so it don't sink to the bottom... Be a little news post that all interested can follow... Thanks for the suggestion I'll try and get that done today... Later Jeff
When things get stressful think I'll go fish'en and worry about it tomorrow!

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