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[size 2][blush] Some of you knew it was my birthday yesterday... and I wanted to say that my husband came through with a $100 gift card to Gander MTN. I also raked in $60 in Walmart cards. I haven't gotten money for my bday since I was a kid![/size]

[size 2]then I got normal bday gifts for a woman... candles, kitchen things, a cordless screw driver and a memory chip for my digital camera (from my parents)[/size]

[size 2]My next door neighbor gave me a Shakespeare Microspin Ultralight fishing Rod.. my FIRST ULTRALIGHT! watch out trout![/size]

[size 2]I had a great day too, to top it off! I am a whole 37 now.. woowoooo[/size]
Happy b-day fishermom, those are some great gifts
Happy belated Birthday. It sounds like you received some nice gifts. I hope you got to go fishing.[cool]
Happy belated birthday fishermom. I can almost remember when I was at the ripe young age of 37, but the mind gets foggier as the time goes I believe my body felt alot beter back then, hehe.[:/]
Hope you have many more good b-days. And, give that ultralight a good workout this year. They are alot of fun, especially when you hook into a fish bigger than 10 pounds!
Make sure your drag is set for it.[Wink]
37, that's half as old as Japan Ron!![laugh]
[Smile][Wink]cool happy bday girl, glad ya got that fishin rod. you,ll have fun with that ultra, i love mine! ugly stick anyways but they are all fun.wait till ya hook onto a good size one with that!!!! haha wish i,d be there.we.d laugh and have fun, watchin uya. haha thats cool. later
Happy birthday FisherMOM, You are now 29 right? Let us know how your new fishing rod works.

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