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Wednesday May 19th Strawberry
Took work off on Wednesday and spent the day at the berry with a buddy. Got on the water around 8:30 AM in the chicken creek area. Started by trolling trying to find what they wanted, only got one on a silver rapala. Wind kind of started picking up so we decided to try powerbait. Kept moving around and caught mostly cutthroats with a few smaller rainbows mixed in. Tons of bites, the fish were biting super light and wouldn’t really commit. Rainbow and chartreuse garlic powerbait worked.Started trolling around 6:30 again and caught a few more cutts on white pop gear and a gold bladed worm harness. Wind started blowing around 7:30 so we loaded up and headed home.

Good day on the water!

[Image: D81-BE0-DB-05-CE-467-A-99-C6-64162-EA93-DD5.jpg] [Image: 586-A8319-1-F69-4-C30-B24-E-BF8-B7-EEFB495.jpg] [Image: 3544-FCE0-5758-4-E7-E-8508-D563-CB89647-D.jpg] [Image: 01-BEE742-08-C5-4-F2-B-9-A8-B-DB1009-A3-FEDA.jpg] [Image: 86-AED143-02-A5-48-E4-9-B65-FCA15-FE8053-A.jpg] [Image: 9745-FF47-259-D-4986-A5-B8-75-D93-F72-FF0-E.jpg] [Image: 0166-A518-C26-A-4-A2-D-9-AD3-EA5-ECE42-A051.jpg] [Image: 894-BCA11-96-AE-4498-BF85-44-D1-DF472623.jpg] [Image: 5458-B7-F2-FC87-4446-8522-77-AC0-E1-AC1-BB.jpg]
Looks like you had a successful day! Hard to beat spending time on the water with a good friend.
I had no idea that bugle mouth bass were in Strawberry.
(05-24-2021, 09:25 PM)Anglinarcher Wrote: I had no idea that bugle mouth bass were in Strawberry.

Yeah, we were shocked when we got it in. He actually had a bite but missed it. When he was reeling in he hooked it.
That is not a ‘bugle mouth’, that is a chub.
(05-25-2021, 01:17 AM)MrShane Wrote: That is not a ‘bugle mouth’, that is a chub.

I don’t think it’s a chub. The mouth is wrong.
[Image: 45-C091-FC-3-E10-4-EDB-A0-CE-82-E5-CC80-C8-F4.png]
Big ol sucker.

Maybe the Junie's migrated up through the diversion tunnel and established a new habit. Lol
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.

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