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Rock cod-ling, cod regs

Any news on the regs for ling cod and rock fish?

Hi there chum-bucket,

Unfortunatly, a section within NOAA (I believe but don't quote me) are protesting the continuation of rockfishing in certian areas and it is unclear if our pro-fish guys (our C's guys) arguments will prevail. I heard the new head of the DFG speak the other day at the Fred Hall show and I think we've got a winner with him. (Terminator made a good decision on this one I believe)

We'll have to see! If you know first.... please post!

Your buddy,

Hey Chumbucket, We are all on the edges of our seats on this issue. I don't rockfish myself but I know that inquireing minds want to know. If I find something out I will have it in a flash. It would be difficult to compete with the google guru himself but we are all here for the good of helping others.

Isn't that right JRson?[cool]
Ling Cod

(a)[/url]Open Season and Area: See Section 27.82. Lingcod may not be taken or possessed by a person by hook and line fishing or by spear fishing during a northern, central or southern rockfish and lingcod closure unless provided for under Section 27.82©.

(b) [/url]Limit: Two.

©[/url] Minimum size: Twenty-four inches total length.

(d)[/url] Method of take: Not more than two hooks and one line. For purposes of this section, a hook is a single hook, or double or treble hook with multiple points connected to a common shank.

You can find out info on the Rock fishes at this link from the [url ""]CA DFG[/url]. They have alot of info there and would take up too much room here. Please feel free to check it out there.

Hi there again chum-bucket,

Here's what was decided March 10th up in Washington state by the powers that be.

April first... Ling cod bag limit will be 1 with a minimum of 30 inch length. (in federal waters... that is from..... 3 miles out from shore, mean tide. But.. state regs (for closer in) will be decided later and is however expected to follow the feds lead)

Oh well... Seems like Washington and Oregon doesn't like us Californians. ha ha ha


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