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sarasota and the Gulf of Mexico
Fishing Report May 19<br><br> Fishing trips this month have varied from night snook with the fly rod to king fishing out on the reef. Weather stayed unseasonable warm. The begining of the month the kingfish were excellant. Then calm conditions made the bite on again off again. Fishing with Art Earl of Bradenton we caught the big smoker kings just right. The threadfin were covering the reef. Pulling baits slow payed off big when the first fish on turned out to be a 38lber.Not wanting to kill the fish I tried several times to grab it's tail. On one attemp I was so determined I extended my self to far out over the water and ended up in the drink. That gave Art a little more time to subdue the fish. After re-gaining my composure the big SOB still jumped from the boat back in the water twice.We weighed him and released unharmed.Lesson learned when the fish is almost as big as you are it's kinder to the fish to release him in the water. Dave Fontaine of Conn.connected with his first saltwater fish on the flyrod. He had a ball perfecting his cast and fooling 10 snook down Snook alley.We had our first Tarpon trip Thursday. We fished from Grassey Pt. to the Venice pier. Lady luck was not on our side. the fish did not show good for us. Dave Anderson and his party did enjoy themselves though after we anchored up and caught around 20 sharks and lost a big Jack Crevelle. With nothing but improved action from tarpon, snook, permit and shark to look forward to I can't wait to give you June's fishing report.If your in Sarasota be sure to stop by Starbucks at Mid Town Plaza and view Capt Jim's complete works of Gyotaku Fish Prints. Take care and hope to see you on the next Reeldreams Adventure <br>Capt. Jim Roberts<br>Reeldreams Guide Service<br><br>2416 Hibiscus St. <br>941 366-8992<br>Sarasota,Fl 34239<br><br><br>

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