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what music do you listen too?! mine very's i listenin to rock,metal, blues, and instrumental guitar rock( joe satriani!).
I listen to just about everything under the sun! I love Pop Rock, some classic rock, country, a little rap, a little heavy metal, a soft rock, instrumental, classical music, did I miss any? lol
haha i,m an oldie but goodie! haha OLD COUNTRY, country rock, the 50.s! haha like some blues, but mostly the old country and the 50,s
You gotta put a little Guns N' Roses in there....Music is nothin without a little GNR. [Wink]
I listen to all types as well. Rock - modern and classic, some rap, raggae, classical, blues, jazz, country. Unfortunately, when a musician uses their fame to convey a political message, it ruins the music they play/sing. Everytime I hear the music, I'm forced to hear the political message. It robs us of some very good music, dixie chicks, bruce springsteen, linda rondstadt, dave mathews, etc... I'm not interested in their political beliefs (regardless of what they are), I just wanna hear the music. My advice to them is: Shut up and sing...
well someone has to stand up and tell the truth to the masses about how bush is lying to us every day, ruining our natural resources, dragging our good name thru the mud of world opinion, and making plenty of money for his cronies

This is about music not Bush. Did you watch the Cubs game last night. Ouch!

I like Pearl Jam, Metallica, Seether, AFI, Alice In Chains, Rage Against the Machine, Stone Temple Pilots, Led Zepelin, Judas Priest, Anthrax, Alannis Morisette.

As long as it rocks I like it.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] Hey rjf385, good question. I'm more into the Rock/Metal end of music. Of late though, (OK, the last ten years or so) with the exception of Classic Rock, if it's played on the radio I don't listen to it. I truly despise the [url "mailto:Cr@p"]Cr@p[/url] the Music Industry is trying to pass off (more like push down our throats) as Rock/Metal. Spin me up some Hammerfall, Gamma Ray, and Seven Witches (just to name a few) and I'll be a happy man.
[size 2] [font "comic sans ms"] David

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