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Thanks in advanced for your prayers
Several weeks ago I had asked you all to pray for Vivian Ward (my girlfriend's mom) while she was in the hospital and things were uncertain with her life. I thank you for your prayers back then. She had come out of the hospital and was doing as well as could be expected.

Two weeks ago she went back into the hospital because she couldn't keep any food down. Turned out to be a tumor had grown in her large intestine and blocked passage of all foods. She had surgery two Friday's ago. They put a bypass tube in her digestive system to hopefully help.

A couple days later she was released from the hospital and stayed with Donna, one of her daughters. Last night she died. I prefer to look at it as "going into hybernation". She'll be resting peacefully until Jesus comes again to wake her up.

Thanks again, and thanks in advanced, for your prayers for all who love her.
I am so sorry to hear that DDR, i hope that you, your girlfriend and her family can find comfort in knowing that she is now sitting at the feet of jesus and she is in no pain at all.
Im so sorry to hear about your loss. I hope you and her family make it through this rough time ! Its hard to say good-bye , but shes in good hands now !!!

Thanks you two.

So Steve, does this mean your computer is up and running again? Minneman tells me that there's plans for a March ice trip. Can you PM me some details?
Sorry to hear about you and your girlfriends loss. My girlfriend lost here mom 3 years ago and it can be pretty tough during holidays and birthdays.

I like your outlook about hybernation. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Take some comfort in knowing all of her suffering is over and she is in a better place with Jesus.

The funeral was brief. I cried a lot more than my girlfriend or her family.

Now for the next request.

My co-worker, Josetta, found out on Friday that her mom was found dead on the side of a road in Alabama. Her mom was an alcoholic and illegal drug abuser so in a way it's not surprising. Just thought I'd thank you again, in advance.
that is tragic, even if expected one day...

you have my empithy, I too have felt the loss of those close.

it would seem as the older we get the fewer we know who are still around...

I had a frend several years back who had lost every frend he knew and almost lost me. 2 weeks after his last life long buddy passed he did too...

I have no real words of wisdom to pass along on this topic, it hurts, it will for quite some time... we may never get over the loss of loved ones... but we still must carry on.... if not for our sake for theirs... they would want us too...

I take a moment to remember them when I am setting on the water when the air is still,, the fish arent biting, and all seem at peace in the world, I beleive it is because they are looking down on us granting us moments of peace,

so the next time the fish stop biting, think of those who were part of our lives and remember how much they ment to us and every one else their lives touch during their short time on earth.... and give thanks for their taking the time to inrich our lives with thier pressence...
Just found out that my Uncle passed away today .

So sorry. The condolences are returned. My love and prayers to you and your family.
pray saints be with us all,

there is no shortage of heart breaks for any one these days...

I am still waiting on the results of charlie at ground zero.. (punta gorda) I have a lot of family there when it struck. my dad set in his house through the storm. his house was the only house still standing in his neighborhood...

an hour before it hit charlie was clasified as a 2 at the time of the evacuation notice. when it struck punta gorda it was clasified as a 4 out of a posible 5 being the highest.

my dads house is across the street from cove and was hit full force. my grandma's house was directly across the street on the bank of the cove and is gone. she was up here for the summer when it hit. She still plans on going home in just three weeks.

I guess stuberness just runs in the family....
How old are these relatives of yours? I imagine that you're close to, if not already, retired. That would make your dad how old? And grandma that much older?

Sorry to hear about the damage to their property. Glad dad's house is standing.
I am no where near close to retirement age, not by a long shot. I just look that way from an auto injury seveal years ago.

Thanks for the empithy.....
Oh! So you're around my age. Yeah, I'm starting to go gray also. At least you seem to have a full head of curly red hair.
just between you and me, a couple of them hairs are inplants... connected directly to the brain,,,,

hence my hair brain notions of landing a 10 foot stergeon on 20 pound test line [url "javascript: addTag('blush')"][blush][/url]
You're using 20 lb test? I'm only using 12.
are you fishing for fish that get up to 800 lbs?[url "javascript: addTag('laugh')"][laugh][/url]
Yup. I'm allowed 1 sturgeon here in Minnesnowta. [Smile]

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