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Scofield (12-12-04)
Fished Scofield today with Bugln4Bulls,Fishnuts,HA69 and Glen,who is not a member. Got there 7:30am we seen HA69 so we pulled our sleds over and joined him. We started catching fish right away, it stayed active untill 11:30 then it slowed down, after that we where picking up afew here and there untill 3:00 when we left. HA69 took aride on his 4 wheeler accross the resevoiur to see if he could find a little faster fishing, never did hear how he did. We caught about 30 fish and missed many others.
Little bit slower fishing than last week but a nice day . Great meeting everyone on the ice . Did Doug Miller come pay a visit after I left ? I heard he was out there today from other anglers . I ended up with only 12 on the ice but no dinks . Finally got a cutt from Scofield . After I released it hooked up on another that was cocky enough to break my line . Felt like a nice fish too . I really should cut off my abuse line and re-tie more often . Trucked over to the island and was about 100 yards from it and only 6' deep fished it for a while with nothing and worked a few thru the ice out in the middle but it was only 10' deep . Came back to Bugln4Bulls honey hole and pulled a few more out before I come home . I need a new hard water spot to fish . Come on Ice at Strawberry .
Just a couple of pics !!
TWO heaters HA69, come on, does anyone really need two heater. For goodness sake is was fifty degrees in the valley today and you've got two heaters. No seriously you've got a heck of a set up there. Haven't seen someone that pimped out with ice gear since my last trip to the gorge.
Its a good thing you can't see my other fishfinder in the pic . LOL Needed them heaters this morning . The small one is the one I use for the shelter also not in the pic . I only used the artificial sun till the real sun was a shining on us today .
Pretty much ditto...great conditions and fewer fish. Last weekend the temp was -6 on arrival. This Sunday 17. Last week I iced 12, this week 4. Last week I pretty much stayed in the same place, this weekend (probably because Rob came) we hiked all over the lake. Oh well, at least I didn't feel obligated to hit the treadmill after coming home!

I think the pressure has made the flippers a little skiddish...

One negative note: saw a few spots where folks didn't see fit to pack out empty propane cylinders, bottles, and cans. YUK!!!
I arrived a little later than last week but still slammed 23 myself both times were on Saturday. For awhile there it was non stop from about 10:30 am until around noon. Left around 1pm. Last week I slammed 31. Definately some hot fishing for some but not all. Had 4 other guys about 20 yards from me not catching a thing.

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