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I am pondering an idea here!
I think it would be cool to do a "BFT Utah take a kid ice fishing get together".
I would be more than happy to organize/run it but would like some feedback on interest and ideas.
I think ice fishing for perch (keep the interest going), a burger/dog burn, games??, prizes of course (all get something), and maybe some sledding when they get bored.
What are your thoughts???
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Hey that sounds cool! What place would you be looking at to ice fish?
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my youngest is begging for me to take him ice fishing already. sence he saw how happy i was when i came home from scolfeild and got my first fish throu the ice plus he want to walk on a lake he says he is 6 and i have to get moms ok
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Location will depend on majority of BFT feedback! Date held will also be a factor due to weather.
I think that this would be a cool way to teach kids about the real meaning of fishing and have alot of fun to boot.
We could have casting, tying, fish identification, etc.. competitions during the day for prizes.
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Awesome idea! My boys go all the time, but my little girl is ready to learn this year!
Major props to fish1on for thinking of this!!
[  ]
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Polokid and I have been talking about doing a ice fishing party the middle of Jan.
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That sounds like a great idea. Echo usually has alot of perch and the occasional trout.
It all depends on where it is,I would like to come. Two of my grandkids, one is 10 and the other is 6 have been ice fishing with me for a few years. The 6 year old loves it.
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We should team up and make it grand!!!!
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I've got a little girl that is gungho to pull up some perchies, now if I can just talk her mother into letting me take her on the ice. Rockport would be a good place to do it. The perch are a little bigger and every time I've fished it through the ice it's been non-stop action once I've located the fish.
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Would love to join in and bring my 5 year old daughter out to pull fish thru the ice, bet she would get a kick out of it. And since I have an ice shelter I think I could keep her warm enough to enjoy it. 
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Sounds like there may be an interest in this. This is what I have in mind so far:
LOCATION: To be determined yet based on feedback, weather, and ice conditions.
Time: All Day!!!!!
Food: Burgers and dogs (donations from all of us) feed at noon (need support with cooking and such)
Events: Looking for something that the kids can do. "No adult competitions allowed" I am thinking that we could do some casting challeges or fish ID challenges for prizes (need more donations from you all)
And last but not least...
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Count me in. I have two kids who love to ice fish. Throw in food and prizes and they would be in heaven. As for a place to go, Lost creek has always been a fast action place for me. But I think Echo or Rockport would be fun as well. Probably better sledding there.
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Don't forget the hot chocolate.
Sounds like a great idea. All of my kids have already been ice fishing (except for the 19 year old), and love it, but it's cool to see their faces when they pull something through the ice. Ice fishing is perfect for kids, IMHO, because there's no casting, and rarely snags, and there's usually sledding IF they get bored.
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I can't wait. My 3 year old grandson has been practicing at our home. He has a bucket that he drops his line into and then reels it back up, over and over again. He is ready for hard water. Rockport sounds good to me, close to SLC and Ogden. The burgers and dogs sound good also.
We could all donate jigs and other gear like we did last year at Polo's Party. We may want to have a plan B for bad weather just in case, for the little ones.
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I am thinking Rockport as my first choice as well. Still waiting for hardwater and the holidays to go bye before I set a final date with a plan B date as well.
I think this will be a cool way to get a kid out on the hard water and have a great day with all you BFT folks.
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Hear is my thought on a competition for the kids.
My boy and I will run this:
1. Paint (with orange spay paint) on the ice a ring target.
2. Provide an ultra light spinning setup to cast a lead weight, but I get it back. LOL
3. Close, in a ring, bulls eye, all win something.
4. I will put up $50.00 of my own money to buy a bunch of prizes to give out.
I will need donations and help with food, cooking, drinks, etc....
If you do not have kids, grandkids, neighbor kids, cousins, relatives, etc... you are still welcome to come and enjoy the time.
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I have been asked by polokid and fishnpro to combine our efforts for a get together and have agreed. This will make it double the fun!