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What new ice-fishing toys will you get?
With ice fishing just a few months away, I'm getting excited. I'm definitely going to be spending some money on some new ice-fishing toys. There's something called a Rock-n-reel that I'm very interested in. Basically, it's a very well balanced rod holder that allows the fishing rods tip to follow a downward path when a fish grabs the bait/hook without the fish ever feeling any unnatural resistence.

There's another item that I just heard about also. It's basically an inflatable tube that you stick in the hole that you drilled when you'll be away from the hole for a period of time. When you're ready to fish that hole, just deflate and the hole won't be frozen over.

Simple ideas but probably well worth it. What other toys are out there that I should know about and consider? What toys are you considering?
This year I need to worry more about getting my family some warmer clothes, so that they enjoy ice fishing more. Last year was my first ice fishing, so i bought an auger, a portable shelter and a few other things. If I'm able to actually buy new stuff, I'll get more rods and maybe a new fishfinder.
I was thinking about building an aquaview, but I don't have that much free time right now.
since I am hoping this year will be my last in michigan I most likley wont be picking up much of any thing.

maybe some new one two and four pound test line. I stocked up on jigs last year, I will need new globes and mantles and posibly generators for my lanterns. a new pair of gloves. I found my hat so I am good to go there, I was thinking on a new thermal outfit, I think with a needle and thread I can get my old one to last one more year. boots are a must for the new winter, Hopefuly I will pick them up before the middle of january this year, I ususaly wait till ice to go get my new boots. sunny glasses are still in good shape. Live bait. I will need a bunch of that[Tongue]
I already got my new boots on eBay. Paid $30 including shipping. They're the kind that have the removeable spikes on them. I'm hoping to stock up on a cool safety gadget built into a glove type thing. Will be doing a test market this winter. Depending on how things go, that could be my extra income during the winter months.

Thanks for reminding me of one of my MUST HAVE purchases this year. The Flagman tipup special hooks with photo/drawn instructions on how to use them.
So dave with this hopefully being your last winter in michagin are you going to be able to finally lad that elusive pike through the ice?
that is a good question, I sure am going to give it a collage try.... provided we get ice....

So, you think you're gonna use me? LOL. I wasn't cold. I just had to piss really bad. The cold weather makes me pee a lot more.
I am also looking forward to winter ice fishing. I live a few miles from Saginaw bay in Michigan and fish a lot summer and winter. I am a sucker for new ice fishing stuff, you wouldn't believe how bad. lol
skeeter, welcome to the board! Lookin' forward to reading your posts and hopefully seeing pics to go along with your fish stories. Again, welcome!
Welcome to [cool]bigfishtackle[cool]

hope to see ya around on the boards...

I am fishing just a few about 100 miles south of you...

I fished the saginaw river years ago, (ice)

if ya drop down to the michigan board you can say howdy to some of the other die hards here....

I am asuming you are a die hard do to the ice fishing tequnes used in the bay there.... You ever get caught on one of them burgs and start heading down my way. L[shocked]L

I once saw a man go out with as little as posible. He had an ice rod total lenth handle and all was 6 inches. he was quite proficiant with it as well, he fished for perch on lake st clair by south ridge... every thing he needed for ice fishing except his spud was in a fold up zipper pouch, something like a personal grooming pouch fit in his coat pocket.

then there are the rest of us, we spend more time loading and unloading than we do fishing...[Tongue]

dont be a stranger round here stop in often....
This year I'll be adding a new 10" power hole poker (been using my other one for many years so its time it get a rest), ff and most likely a GPS. The FF I've used all summer but it will be new to ice.

As far as the rock-n-reel, I seen a couple of those in action and I do mean action. Because its so balanced the smallest tap on the line starts it rocking, and rocking, and rocking. I think it needs a shock absorber so I think I'll avoid that one..

One thing I will stress this year is that everyone should keep some type of floation device close by while one the hard deck.. It could be something as simple as a atv innertube attached to a length of rope that could or would save your or someone elses life.
Don, you're absolutely right about a flotation device. I should have invested in the Stearns PFD Jacket. It seemed a bit spendy to me at the time but with the thought of weak ice beneath ones feet, it certainly would be well worth the price to be wearing should you fall through.
Well i think i splurged quite a bit this year i will be investing in some thermals for me and the girlfriend and a berene insulated bib and heave coat both comfort rated to -20 and maybe some good winter boots for both of us.
I see accu view has their new Mod pod out. Its the tri pod device that sets over the ice hole you hook your underwater camera cable to and turn it with a remote like the remote for your car. The call it the Mod pod 11. I hope its make stronger than the first one. Tell you what it is just the thing to have for moving your cable around. Got one ordered as I returned the one they came out with last year. To many defects in it. Skeeter[Smile]
Thermals? What do you need those for? LOL. I picked up some thinsulated pants. last year. They are nice. Almost too warm on days that the temp hits 35.
#20 wife made sure i had everything i needed years ago

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