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Jackson, Not Guilty.... NOT!
WHAT IS THIS WORLD COMING TO? Not Guilty???????????????????

I can't believe that one!

TheAngler BFT Moderator
Hey if OJ got away with it you should have figured MJ would too he should have been hung for doing that to little boys in my opinion
[center][mad][/center][center][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 4]It is a good thing that MJ wasn't a priest or school teacher. He would have been found guilty like right now![/size][/green][/font][/center]
First off , i belive those parents are just as guilty of child abuse or endangerment as some perv who sells kids for sex .
m.j. , guys like him need a good one on one conversation with mr. louiesville slugger and then a lifetime partnership with big moe on c block .
What the hell is wrong with that jury ?????????
The judicial system must be checking it's "crack head " list for jurors .
I dont blame the jury, I am sure mj is what they said he is, the problem falls with reasonable doubt.

all the kids testifying against him had questionable back grounds, if just one of them boys had a clean history he would have gotten the axe.

the prosicution knew it was fighting an uphill battle before they even started. but there is an upside to this, with the national covarage he will now have to tip toe through broken glass for the rest of his life....

what surprized me was that Elvis Preslies daughter was not called to the stand. MJ ex and first wife.

any one here remember Elvis? he too was guilty of doing minors, girl all the way down to the age of 13... According to a documentary I saw about him shortly after his death.... of corse that was a different time period when it was a common accurance that girls were married any where from 13-17 years of age down in the south....

I dont mean any disrespect to eather pearson, they both have paid a price, elvis lost percila, mj will spend a life time with his stigmada of inocence.... I wonder how long it takes jackson to do the nose kandy... or od on percription drugs...

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