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Hey Stormey
Pentwater was pretty good last week , limited out every morning at long lake bridge using rattletraps . i have a gallon jug full of spawn to prove it , lol !
I did pass wahalla but didn't fish it .
Hit tippy lastnight , they were jumping just before dusk on the Breatheren side , those guys did pretty good untill it got dark . The fish started slamming the fast side at the bottom of the coffer ( bottom of the stairs )when we had to hit the headlamps on (ray-o-vac headlamp from walmart sucked , it kept going out on me , had to get the stand by headlamp out ). i left at midnight , i only had 4 hours of sleep and was showing a co-worker how to fish , he's never fished before in years , i let him reel in a nice male brown on my rod . I saw 3 bear cubs outside of cadillac on the way home , they were having a little party with a roadside parked pick up truck , that guy is gonna wonder what happend to his truck when he goes back for it . those cubs were having a blast !
there was about 6 feet between guys in the line-up .
I went 0 for 12 on kings, danged group of drunks kept casting over my line with fish on . I'm now mastering the art of cutting lines with a quick jerk of the rod , it might be mean but it kept a couple drunks busy retieing there stuff for a half hour at a time giving me more time to fish .
CROSS RIVER SHOWTING MATCHES WAS A GRIN , I didn't realise how popular other guys moms were , lol !
Spawn wasen't producing at all , just a bunch of browns .
Green worm fly in neon green with a small tuff of flash was the fly to use last night, #18 and #20 hook . there is a guy at the T.D. campgrounds that sells them or you can get the materials at the trading post .
Jay's is having it's sale this weekend in clare .I picked up some tarsal gland and some spawn cure .
i'm heading back over next weekend , taking the camper or sleeping in the jeep .
Man I love this time of year , thanks for getting me hooked on the big fish , there's nutting better than yelling "fish on " !

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