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Strawberry Report (Friday)
Fished Strawberry between 11am-4pm. Was over in the East Portal area. Started off really hot. First line down I caught a 10 inch rainbow. When it got to my pontoon, a huge fish tried to snag it as I lifted it out of the water. It was way cool. Big fish too. As long as I got my jig down a ways, I was catching fish. When the wind picked up a bit. I would catch them once in a while when trolling. Went a took a break and when I came back out, the wind stopped and I started catching a bunch again. When the wind started again, I decided to make my own down rigger out of a jig head and I broke the hook off and set it about 18 inches above my jig. I had to do this because I didn't have any larger jeg heads. Even with the wind I could get deep enough and was doing great. Then my battery started dying and I was way out there. I started rowing like crazy, and finally made it in. It was one of the best days fishing ever. I was fishing blind so I don't know how deep I was. I also forget my net which made it difficult to bring some of the big ones up to dehook. White was the best color. I switch to green and didn't catch anything. I was using white boogers from HFT with smelly jelly and tipped with worm. Got to give props to MGB for some great tips also. Because of the wind, I was using my motor quite a bit, thats why it started to die. Fishing slowed way down between 1pm and 2pm. But picked up after that. Again, it was a beautiful day out.

Good to hear you got into them. That wind can give a guy a work out plus makes it hard to stay on the bottom. Better stock up on different size of jig heads so you will be prepared for any type of weather, get that fish finder too its a hole different ball game with one.
Good to hear you were successful . Sounds like what happen to me last week . I was reeling in one of those dinks and a big cutt snagged him from me fishing on shore , but I think the bow got away . I even had my maniac still on my line but what a rush when they do that .
Randy and Tuber, about how big are these cutts that are snatching these little rainbows off your lines?
Thanks for the report. Too much fun!!!! How big was the biggest?
[font "Impact"][#ff4040][size 3]Great report. Sounds like you had a great day out there. Too bad you didn't have any pics of the fishies you caught. Oh well sounds like you had a wonderful time anyways.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]

The cut that tried to take the bow was pretty big. Hard to say for sure, but I think he was probably close to the top of the slot. It was so cool to see it do that. You are right, I need to stock up on some different size jig heads. Staying on the bottom was key. Alot of keys fly fishing that were catching them, but I seem to be getting them more often.

My wife was on telling me to take a camer next time also. I will try to do that. I would guess all of mine were in the slot, with one that could have been over, but not sure.

It was so much fun. I actually am starting to guide my toon better with the motor. Just need to remember to not get so far out towards the end of the day. I had the speed up quite a bit with the wind. I am already thinking I need to take a day off towards the end of next week.


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