I'de like to say congradulations everyone ! Another funfilled B.F.T. compitition has sucessfully been acomplished [

Big Dave , a thunderous applause to you for all your work and scorekeeping [cool] ! Yeeee Haaaaaaa !
To all of my B.F.T fishing buddys that participated , what a great bunch of fish !
Whoops , I meen the fish pics you posted , I wouldn't call my buddys a bunch of fish , but then again would we not mind being called a fish , well any kinda fish but a sucker , huh ?
Too bad there wern't more jumping in on this free contest but that's there loss [

]! I guess they will never know what kind of fun there missing and we really can't explain it to them . I meen , if someone never tasted chocalate and you tried to tell them about it , ya' think they would try it ? probably not , it's brown and creamy , dosen't look to apitising but , one try and there begging for more .
Now for some fishermans bull talk ;
I have my excuses for not posting more fish ; some of the fish that I cought were so big they added 30 or 40 LBS. to my camera after every shot . Wading the streams and rivers with that kinda weight on you is unsafe , especially if your a skinny guy like me . I did catch a magic singing fish but he was camera shy , boy could that fish sing ! If we had a talent contest for the fish i woulda submited one of his songs I recorded , that would have been a first place winner guarinteed [

]! I thought I had a talking fish last July , but it turned out to be just another large mouth .
Next is the ol' work excuse , regular work , yard work , fiddiling with the house work , honey-do work , working on the boat and working on working and working on not working . All that kinda work and only me and my shadow to do it all [unsure], yea , it was tough , my shadow is skinnyer than me and he can't lift as much as I can[laugh] . Ya could say my shadow couldn't hold a candle to me (think about it , LOL !)
Next contest thou , I ain't gonna be holding back , in fact I'm gonna be holding two rods in each hand [angelic]! The boats are all ready , moter tuned up , I even sent the oars in to the guy that makes fender guitars and had him tune them in . I've been practicing my fish calls too , made my own fish caller too . it's two soup cans with a string tied between them , lower one can into the lake and do your fish calls into the other , here fishey fishey !
Guarinteed , you guys are gonna have to head off to the fish market to keep up with me next contest , just remember this thou , most of those fishmarket fish are probabley the little fellers I thru back in [crazy].