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Strawberry 2/25
Hit the Berry today. Arrived at 7:00 and it was -20 when we stepped out of the truck. Fog was very thick... glad we had the gps. Once the morning sun burned the fog off it heated up to 11 degrees. Felt like summer. [Tongue]

Between the 4 of us we iced around 60 fish with 1 under the slot and 6 over, with the biggest being a fat 25" cutt. No rainbows. All were released after a few snapshots.

We were off the water by 1:00. We all left with sunburns on the face. Not even the slightest breeze all day. All and all not a bad day! [Smile]
Sounds like a mighty sweet day if you ask me! Wish I coulda been stuck workin on the truck.
[cool]Sounds like a great day on 'da berry. You must have snow machines to get away from the crowded pressured areas, eh? I'd love to see the pic of that 25 incher if you wouldn't mind sharing...
We were at the Berry also, all nine of us. It was cold. We fished Indian Creek Bay. We got an early start but had a hard time getting there on the ice. There was alot of slush and we stuck the snowmobile, probably because of our slead. Even had a harder time getting out in the afternoon when the snow softened. We did caught 50 fish one weighing 4.5 pounds and 23 inches long. So we had some luck but not as good as your day. Great fishing.
We actually didn't have snowmobiles. We fished at Strawberry Bay, but made the long hike accross towards the point that comes out of those camp grounds. It wasn't too bad as long as you could walk on some snowmobile tracks.

The pictures were taken on a disposable camera, but I have a scanner so as soon as I get it developed I'll post it. [cool]
Thats some good catching and some good size to go along with it. I like that point in the early spring but havn't ever ice fished it.

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