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Well I decided to hit the southwest corner of Willard in my tube this evening for Walleye. I had the same success as usual..nada! I did have a very light tap, but that was it. I fly fished and stripped in a white zonker. Anyway, so I hike back to my truck and noticed my rear tire is flat as a pancake, then I notice my front tire is way flat too. I didn't hit any of the potholes that hard. I look in my truck-bed and notice my float-tube pump is also missing. Of all things, my stuff gets stolen and vandalized while I'm fishing. What the *&^% are people thinking? It's a good thing I didn't catch them in the act. My profession doesn't sit well with these kind of people. This kind of incident really discourages me from heading back to Willard. Please be careful everyone and lock all your gear up..even your $20.00 plastic


[font "Baskerville Old Face"][#ff4040][size 3]That sucks! The fishing and especially the vandalism. I probably would have done the exact thing to them also if I caught them in the act. Don't worry your not the only one that thinks like that when things happen.[/size][/#ff4040][/font]
Were you in camera view? Maybe someone saw something. I am not familliar with WB but I sure would lilke to catch people like that in the act. Sorry to hear about your bad luck.

I'm sure with you about what I'd do in that situation. Problem is it was probably some snot nosed punks, and if you gave them what they really deserved, you'd be the one in hot water. To top that off, it's a pretty safe bet you'd be outnumbered.
[cool][#0000ff]Bummer! It is really getting so you don't dare leave your vehicle, boat or fishing gear unattended anywhere anymore. I am getting so I won't fish anywhere I can't see my car or at least know that others can see it while I am out fishing. I have my "stories" too, and don't know many anglers who don't have similar tales of woe.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]About the only comfort you can take is that the ones who did it are probably not real sportsmen. There seems to be an element that travels back roads looking for "targets of opportunity". They find vehicles without anyone apparently watching them and then break into them and take anything that they think they can sell. Often it is a drug situation, and the perpetrators have no concept of respect for others or their property...only getting money to feed their habit. The vandalism is purely to keep you from chasing them down if you happen to catch them.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]If I would have caught them they would not have been able to outrun a bullet.[/#0000ff]
Thats really low of them, bad enough they ripped you off but leaving you stranded and cost you some money. hopefully their day will come. sorry to here about this. later chuck
Im sorry to hear about your loss. That really sucks, it's a horrible feeling to be robbed and it is too bad someone did not catch those SOB's, they really need a good lesson (beating?). I do believe that Karma will catch up with these fools and they will get what they have coming. I deal with the public every working day and some people are great and some you wonder how they could be so rude, disrespectful and offensive, does not seem to matter how much money they have either, some are good and some are bad, treat the good ones like gold and tolerate the bad ones, that is all I can do, but like I said I believe Karma will catch up to these people. Try to stay positive and don't let this bad experience deter you from fishing at Willard, it's a nice place and there are lots of great people who fish there, far more good than bad. Better luck next time you go out. Sincerely John R.
There are no cameras on the back side of Willard only at the North marina.
Catfish77. One thing I learned a few years back is never leave any thing in the back of your truck or where someone can see it. I was in the North marina and left an old transom saver in the back of my truck while out fishing. I even put it under my bed mounted tool box so it was out of site but it was stolen anyway. One place that can be even worse and that is the South East corner because few people go there so it is easy pickins for those type of people. WH2
I pitty the fool that i catch breakin' in or trying to break in. It would turn out to be the worst and possibly last day (If they had a weapon) of their lives. I am constantly checking on my truck out there, because there has been alot of people eyeball*^&#$% my truck as i leave it to fish. Don't worry, i will watch out for my fellow anglers, and exude the same fury as if they were breakin' into my truck.
i also have had bad luck lately. i had a 3 ton floor jack stolen out of the back of my truck at lindon boat harbor 3 weeks ago. i have a shell with tinted windows and all, and they still got me. yea, you could say i wanted someones liver on a stick! bstrds!! what we need is an inexpensive security camera with monitor so we can fish where we want and still be able to keep an eye on our stuff. hell, may has well throw in a little speaker too. anyone going through yer truck that suddenly heard a " i'm watching you, and if you don't get out of my truck right now, expect a bullet", would quickley get the hint.
I doubt there are few regulars who have not had their rigs looted at some time or another if they've left them in marina lots or around the lake shores in Utah. Once in a while though we do get lucky. I was on my way home last week at 0300 am and saw two vehicles parked on the shoulder on I-15 near Layton. The rear vehicle was empty, and the front one had it's flashers on. The front driver's door was open, and a male's feet were sticking out. Yup, you guessed it,...the guy was lying down ripping the entire dash and stereo out. If its any consolation, he's still sitting in jail cooling his heels, and I took his car to boot. I do have my troopers check the Willard parking lots several times a week. I can't usually get them out west due to the road conditions. I will talk to the deputies though and see if they won't give it a few extra shakes this week where they have four wheel trucks. Sorry for your loss.
Thanks for any help you and you buddies can give us Brad, it sure is an on going problem. I see you have been a member for a while but just in case you haven't been welcomed I would like to do that now. Hope the site has been useful for you. WH2
That southwest corner is a favorite wiper spot of mine. I'll be heading out there very soon. This is definitely disconcerting news. I know there's no way to see my car as I go over the other side of the dike. I don't like the sound of this at all. I want to enjoy myself in the outdoors without constant worry of not being able to get home with the car intact. By the way, we would all greatly appreciate some law enforcement patrols of that area! Thanks!
Maybe we could rig up a battery to the door handle and leave the door unlocked and see how many people we could shock the crap out of in a day!

Karma, they'll get what's coming to them!!!!!!!
it makes ya want to put sometning real desireble,in the back of your truck then lay in the rocks with your 300 mag.what a great sport that could become.
I say start with slingshots and work your way up to the 300 mag. LMAO!![laugh][sly][sly][sly][sly][sly][sly]
It's a very sorry thing to think that people can't exist by the Old Golden Rule.

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