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I'm Back, sort of.
It'seen a while since I've been on the board. I've had some personal problems that had to be handled so I disapeared until I felt I could socialize again. Anyway, I'm wanting to go to either the Berry or Schofield on Wed. morning. We have a boat, just needing to know where to go and what they are biting on. I missed you guys and tell alot of people about the site. Anyway, lease someone get back to me.
[cool]Welcome back, Alan. Glad you got the personal stuff behind you so now you finally can go fishing again. As for Strawberry, I think the lake is turning over at the moment, but you can still catch some fish with dark colored maribou jigs, etc. Scofield is really turning on from the sounds of things, but the best fishing is early in the a.m. Worms tipped w/salmon egg or rainbow sparkle or orange powerbait is also good if shore fishing or drifting in a boat.

Good luck.
O4T, what makes you think the berry is turning over? This is bad news if it is true.
Nice to see you post again. Hope your doing well.
Mike I will write you a little later. It wasn't a fun time and I thought several times I was done, but wasn't. I finally went to an inpatient ranch that taught you to believe in yourself and not try to put the blame or responsibility on others shoulders. I feel like a much stronger person now, broke, but a better person. I'll fill you in at another time. Tell everyone hi for me and I'm kicking myself in the ass for screwing up like I did. Sorry. Al
[cool][#0000ff]Good to see ya back, Al. I was just wondering about you the other day.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Life can be tough sometimes, but considering the alternative it is pretty good. And, until you read your name in the obituaries (spelled right) you can still keep swinging the bat.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This doctor prescribes fishing therapy.[/#0000ff]
[cool]Just the time of year. I thought it always turns over about a month after ice off and right before Memorial Day. Am I wrong about that? I've never fished it during the turnover period, but from reports in the past, I thought it usually happens about now. Guess I could be wrong.[crazy]
I don't know if you are right or wrong, I thought you might have some concrete proof that it had turned over.
Don't worry about turnover now. That happened about a week after the ice came off when all the really cold water at the top traded places with all the really "warm" water at the bottom. It really only affects the shallower bays and only last for a week or two. Get out there and humble some cutties!!
Welcome back! I'm a fairly new member, although I have followed this board for a long time before finally joining.
I'm glad to hear that you have moved on past the problems and are ready to fish!! That means that you have the right frame of mind and are out doing what you should be!! It's great therapy, and hopefully it will be good for you too!

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