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Lincoln Beach 9-12
Supposed to hit Lincoln this morning with my brother and meet up with Out4trout at 6:15 but ended up there alone. O4T showed up late as he had over slept but didn't miss much except some wind. Started marking fish everywhere I went but couldn't get any takers so I kicked out to go after some cats. Started in about 6 feet of water as that was where they had been but only afew short pick up and drops. Finally found the hungry fish in 3 to 4 feet of water. Still had trouble with the short run and drop but ended up with a 29" 9lb cat for my trouble. I followed that up with a 14" white bass and a 1 and a half inch carp. I took great care in messuring the carp. O4T had a couple of cats when I left about 1:30. Not a great day but my biggest cat so far so it was a lot of fun. Talked with a couple by the car fishing from shore catching some white bass. Not fast action but enough to keep them watching their poles.

I have a migraine and have been up for over 30 hours so look at the fish not the guy holding it.
Picture wouldn't load so I try a new attempt.
[cool]I'm glad your pic turned out, because my phone I just found out doesn't have the capability to send the photo to my e-mail. ARGHHHH!!![pirate] I freakin' hate Nextel and their ancient technologies!! Think I'll be switching to Verizon soon.

Anyhooters, that was great fishin' with ya again Spyder! Glad your car made it this time and that it didn't blow up like when you were going to meet me at 'da berry last Spring.

I got off the water right when you left and didn't fish any longer, but was thinking about it since I got that 4 pounder right as I was near the shore coming in. Just ended up with the two kitties. Slow day, but I can't complain as it sure beat the heck outta work, and great company and the kitties will be delicious table fare! We'll have to meet up again, spyder!
O4T that sucks! Most camera phones have that option. I can send pics from it to any email address, I just can't receive anything larger that about 90K. I'm on verizon and for $5 extra month I can send up to 50 pics without extra charges anywhere and its unlimited verizon to verizon, same with text (although because I have the pic option there is no charge for text messaging on my phone) PM me and I'll give you my cell # and you can send the pic to it and I'll forward it to you're email. I attacjhed a phone pix so you can see the quality of the pix I get with my phone camera. (that's my daughter working her horse)
[cool][#0000ff]Nice kitty. I'll bet it pulled good. Surprising the fish are going shallow again but if the water warms a couple of degrees they will follow it.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Bummer about the migraine. Have you tried a tourniquet around the neck? I understand that can seem like a good option sometimes.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Fishing with Geoff is always an adventure. You never know when or if he is going to make it, or what is going to happen to/with him. Great guy and a good fishing buddy but always good for some kind of amusement.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Sorry, Geoff. Still love ya, man. When you didn't call or come by for minnows I wondered "WHAT NOW?".[/#0000ff]
I've tried almost every crack pot cure for migraines over the past eight years but I think I'll put that one in the file of not today.

Geoff too bad about your phone and pics. That's only the second one in over a year we have done with ours so I'm not much help. Just glad it worked but wish I had been awake for the pic.

If you ever get the chance to fish with Geoff aka. Out4Trout take it. It will never be boring! Kind of hard on my cars as I blew up a engine and the heater coil on trips with Geoff but always fun. Also check your gear as you wont have it for some reason when you get there.[Tongue] Sorry Geoff but it's true.

If you ever get the chance to fish with Geoff aka. Out4Trout take it. It will never be boring! Kind of hard on my cars as I blew up a engine and the heater coil on trips with Geoff but always fun. Also check your gear as you wont have it for some reason when you get there.[Tongue] Sorry Geoff but it's true. [/reply]

ive fished with Geoff. and all i can say is...

of all the people ive fished with....

Geoff is one of them.
I have fished with good buddy Geoff manytimes. I wish many of times I hadn't [Tongue] LOL. Glad you nailed soem fish good job.

Just messing with you Geoff
[cool]Hey, I resemble that remark!! I was going to come by for minnows, but I didn't get out of the office till really late Monday eve, and I had to go get my kids from the sitter. Wife was outta town on biz, so I had to watch my 4 month old and two year old completely by myself for 4 days. The 4 month old is a cute little guy but still doesn't sleep through the night all the way yet.[pirate] I will be by the tuber palace soon though. It's been too long....
[cool]SHEESH!! I'm too busy at work to even fart, let alone check out the message board for a couple days and half of my fishin' buddies are rippin on good 'ole Ge-off!!![pirate] It's alright, I can take it. You know, bad things seem to happen to me too when I fish w/you too, bassackward!![Tongue][Tongue]

We need to ALL go fishin' sometime and work out all of these bugs...

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