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"Here Fishy ... Fishy ... Fishy"
Am I the only one who talks to the fish while fishing? ... ISSUES

I need your help guys. I need some good picts of Utah Lake, Jordanelle & Deer Creek! Also, if you have any Bass photo's send them to me and I will post them on my site!

Sportsmans Warehouse is letting me do a Basic Bass Fishing Course. You guys interested in learning, email me and I will try to be as simple as possible. Just remember to return my pliers and smelly jelly! [Just kidding Hal].

Oops, did I just say Smelly Jelly? MAN! I always do that! I can't keep a secret at all!
I don't know about talking, but BLM says he can smell them [shocked][Wink][laugh][laugh]
[Wink] Who needs smelly jelly when you've got skills? Seriously though, what's the difference between smelly jelly and wd40? Aren't people just using an attractant?

And yes it does work, sometimes.

If you are not talking to them you aren't catching them eather!

I can say this the smelly jelly if you get the right ones tend to stay when WD-40 does whare off.
[size 1]"Seriously though, what's the difference between smelly jelly and wd40? Aren't people just using an attractant?" No scientist here, but one is probably potentially harmful to the fish (WD-40 petroleum based) and the other is not.[/size]
[cool]Can you use some with float tubes in them? And how about a pic of a 17 pound largie in Arizona that was disqualified as a state record because the angler transported in in his live well, to get it weighed on a certified scale...before releasing it alive back in the same lake. (Against the law in Arizona too to transport live fish in your livewell) You can go to the archives in the Arizona board for the story and a pic.
You have to be kidding me!!!! So how does that promote good fishing fishing ethics. I understand the rule but how about a exception on that one geez. Oh never mind just kill the big pig that is probably the largest spawn producer for that water.
[cool]Ever hear the old saying "There ain't no good reason for it, it's just policy."? Kinda like the most obvious oxymoron...military intelligence. Did you go to the site and look at the pic?

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