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Two rods???
For the walleye trollers that fish the local eye waters --this is great news.

The fact is that most walleye fisherman (in the mid-west) have been trolling and jigging with two rods successfully for years.

There are always pros & cons with each new regulation.

Tell the truth -- after the first hookup you are usually re-rigging your line anyway and only have one line out while your playing with the fish, planner board, GPS, etc.

The comment by K??? that he was going to tie his second pole with a piece of rope shows that people need to learn about tip-ups for Ice fishing - they allow fisherman to soak a bait and fish a rod at the same time.

As for snaggers I think they ALL should loose there fishing privlieges
I see them each year King fishing up in Oregon and they really can rip up the fish.
I have conflicting views of the new regs. Trolling, I can see the benefit of two rods and will use two rods when I troll Kokanee (like I've done at FG anyway for a few years) and on the rare occasion when I troll for cuts, bows or browns. However, I can only work the reel on one pole, so for pointers or other cranks two poles is not an issue. I completely agree with Jim about jigging, even for the cuts at the Berry EFFECTIVE jigging requires tremendous concentration. Ever see MGB while jigging? The guy's in a different zone. I'm trying to learn that as well. But two poles is out of the question. My biggest fear is that the cheesebait guys can ram twice as many trebles into twice as many gills, then yank the hook and "release" them. If all would just cut the line after they got their limit, I am ok with it. However, that would be twice as many hooks to tie on so I don't know if it will happen. Don't get me wrong, bait fisherman have the same right to catch fish as everyone else, it just seems that this method of fishing is more fatal to the fish caught (if they are released) than other methods where the hook set rarely goes past the lips. If bait guys are catching for limit and take home, it's all good. Seems to open the door for abuse just a little wider. Just my 2 cents.
I am excited to be able to jig and use a tip up through the ice this year. As far as impacts on the ecology of these lakes. what percentage of fisherman will actually shell out the 15$ for the second rod permit i'm thinking it will be alot less than we think also can you imagine tryin to reel in two 20 lb carp at the same time! just a thought
i have NO problem with the new 2 pole reg at all!
i have in the past fish with as many as 6 rods in the water at a time. suer i missed some fish that way but have cought alot of fish that way as well..

what i do have a problem with is purist BS'ing fisherman telling me whats the best way for me to fish!

i'm NOT a purist!! just a fisherman that likes to catch fish any way i can!
I grew up in Wyo. using 2 poles all the time. No problems, both on the ice and soft water. I'm excited to see Utah finally go to 2 poles everywhere. It's about time!
[size 1]what i do have a problem with is purist BS'ing fisherman telling me whats the best way for me to fish![/size]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]You're killing me. You have a problem with purists telling you how to fish but you don't have any problem expressing your fishing mentality and how you think it should be done. Goes both ways, Ron.[/size][/black][/font]
Although I've never fished with two rods at the same time before I would like to try drifting a fly using my fly rod while I'm casting tubes. I think that it would be fun just to experiment with it.
I for one am looking forward to using two rods. I have often wanted to be able to hang one rod over the side of the boat with a jig on it while I actively cast another rod. Also I have wanted to be able to fish for the larger fish by hanging something large (large jig, or whole large minnow -- dead of course) over the side of the boat or ice fishing while I fish the other rod normally. I have already ice fished with two rods on several lakes and managed just fine. Will I miss some bites because of using two rods, absolutely. Will more fish swallow the jig; unfortunately a few more will, but not many because I position the rods close enough together that if necessary I can grab both rods simultaneously. Will I always fish with two rods, probably not if there are several anglers on the boat, or if the fishing is really fast. I don't plan on trolling nearly as much in the future, and I probably won't fish with two rods very often while trolling. I fish two rods at Willard by using planer boards, but while fishing for trout I don't like to use planer boards and trying to pull more lines around just invites more tangles.
If your Refuring to My Fishing Mantality and how i think it should be done.. it must be wrong of me to think that everyone on this board and that fish in utah.. have the right to fish the way they like with out being BILITTLED or RIDICULED for the way they like to fish (with in the law) then i must have the wrong fishing Mantality for sure! [crazy]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][black][size 3]Sorry, Dude. I don't see where you were belittled or ridiculed and just because it's within the law doesn't mean it's not a debatable topic. Some guys feel as strongly against the practice as you do about taking advantage of it.[/size][/black][/font]
There must be a story here! Shucks. And here I wasn't paying attention. [Tongue]
[font "Comic Sans MS"][#008000][Wink] Is the Light on Yet? Come on guys-it's not the two poll permit thing your all thinking it's about the fishing game making more $ on fishing, I for one like the Idea ( fishing alone in a boat I use 2 polls, chances 2Xs) And if Im helping out with the $ to Stock the ponds and lakes then O-WELL fish on...with 2 polls do not get caught up in 2 polls just have a good time, Isnt that what fishing is all about!!!![sly][/#008000][/font]

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