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Fishing in the City and All other Public Parks Challenge
Simply Call the D.F.G. office in Los Alamitos,ask the Secretary for the FISH STOCK PHONE NUMBER, for REGION #5....this is the most reliable source of stockings per. week. Please Keep in mind,The "Fishing in the City"program has been Hit HARD,by "Big Elected" boys,that Don't understand,HOW important this is to Adults,and Youth..So "I" emphisize,to All,Don't Blame the D.F.G.,for not allways stocking lakes "AS" they plan."I" myself,as well as a "Few" good people,are working hard to Maintain,this "Source of Family Fun" to continue for the future,but for these little lakes to be rebourne,"WE ALL MUST TAKE A ACTIVE ROLE,A GET INVOLVED!!!Start A Local fishing Club,mentor some local kids,Voulnteer,to teach a Class to Youth,about fishing...You Can Make A Diference to All the Lakes, Mentioned, but The State of California Governers Office Needs To Know About it!!!!!!The Answer to the Question,IS "What Kind of Fish,Can 'I' Catch at This Lake and all others? "I" would say, the State,D.F.G. can't afford to actively stock MY, local Lake?....."TRUE".... Talk to your local parks Recreation Director, and GET INVOLVED........Besides,Who Would You Like To Teach Your Kids To FISH? You Or ME? I have MY LAKE,AND I've Taught Thousands and still going...Thats How Fish Get There!...Quote: The Movie "Field of Dreams" BUILD IT,THEY WILL COME! write your elected officials,and give a Kid a Chance,even if that "Kid" is You....YOU WON'T REGRET IT....Dept. of rec.& parks for the City of Los LINCOLN PARK LAKE....Call Me: If You Need Asistance, or Question's...(323)225-3329 And Leave Name and Phone #.......................................

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