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So what is the difference?
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Always wondered as to what is the difference between a 4wt reel & a 5wt reel. Looking at various makes is like comparing oranges to apples. However, both my 4 & 5wt reels are Orvis brands. One is a Battenkill Mid Arbor II and the other a Battenkill Pro Mid Arbor II. They look identical inside and out. Any engineers out there willing to take a guess? I don't know.[unsure] [/size][/green][/font]
[Smile]HAH! You know Real Engineers dont Guess at anything!

Now then, hackers like me...

Dont have the foggyiest idea.
I cant imagine taking the time to work out the stress differences between a fish caught on a 4 and a fish caught on a 5.

I wonder if it's offset weights?
Heavier Reel for the 5 to offset the weight of the line hanging on the end of the rod?
"Ah'own know"
[black][size 3]I know you were just waiting for the Orvis girl to chime in[cool][/size][/black]
[black][size 3]Okay first off, your two reels are the same. Orvis called them the Pro Guide at first then changed it to just mid arbor. In other words, the printing on the outside is the only difference. The mid arbor II is for line weights 3-4 and the III is for 5-6. The III is noticeably bigger, but I did the same as you. I went with the II because it is smaller and lighter and I have very light rods.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]You aren't going to get as much backing on it for the 5wt, but the book says 50 yrds on the II for 5wt. but I think more like 65. Now 65 yards = 195 ft. I'm sorry, but a fish gets all of that plus 90 ft. of my line, I ain't getting it back.[pirate][/size][/black]
[center][cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]I knew that the Orvis lady would come up with an answer I could live with.[/size][/green][/font][/center]
I don't think you really had a choice in the matter.[unsure]

When the Flygoddess(orvis lady) talks, people listen! Or else!![pirate]
I don't think you really had a choice in the matter.[unsure]

When the Flygoddess(orvis lady) talks, people listen! Or else!![pirate] [/reply]

[#280050]Id say we listen cause she knows her stuff.. but that is just my .02 worth.. [Wink][/#280050]
I might have the same opinion if she would take me up on my offer to fish the weber and see what she is really made of.[angelic]
If it's ok with EvilAsh, I would like to invite FG to a little trip in the Salt. I want to see what her 4wt can do on some of my local friends.[cool]
[black][size 3]Which 4wt? Got a few of them and I just added another one to the 4wt class tonight. Just brought home my 7' 2pc with extra tip Tea Stick......sure is SWEEET![/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[inline "Tea Stick 008 500.jpg"]

[black][size 4]And yes I have been SKUNKED before.[/size][/black]
Yes Mam, very sweet, a work of art.
[cool][font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3]Hi there ChickenFoot and welcome to the Fly Fishing & Tying board. Are you a fly fisherman? If so where is your favorite place to fish and what species do you target[/size][/green][/font]?
Nice looking rod FG! Got one for me? [Smile]
Hey Dryrod. I live a little north of Houston, Tx. I grew up on bayous in Southeast Texas. Most of my family were shrimpers when I was a kid, you fished to eat, but flyfishing for the last 20 yrs is my calling. I Saltwater flyfish for Reds, Speck and other fish that will take a fly on the coast and in the local bays. But I fresh water flyfish mostly. Just got back for a tube trip on Lake Summerville (Texas Hill County) last Wed. the weather perfit 80 degrees and blue skys. Caught a nice mess of White Bass and big perch on a new 3wt I got for Christmas (that was a hoot). Plan on heading back out on Mon. The weather is to be great again.
[font "Poor Richard"][green][size 3][cool]Hi there ChickenFoot and thank you for the introduction. We have at least one salt water swatter that visits here and that is TubeN2. I'm sure you both have something in common re salting. However, most of his activity is on the left coast. Catching a bass on a 3wt has got to be something special. Even a minnow feels like a whale on that wt rod. What was the largest catch on that rod?[/size][/green][/font]
Hey Dryrod, the White Bass we have around here are not the Large Mouth Bass you maybe thinking about. They kind of look a like mini strippers 1/2 pd to 1 and 1/2 pds. They are starting to school up for their spring spawn. The legal limit on them is 50 per person a day. And they are not bad table fair either. You are right trying into a Large Mouth Black Bass with a 3wt, size 18 streamer and a 1-1/2 tippit would be a good fight (maybe someday [Smile] ). That is what a 7 wt is for.
Have a good day.
Hey Flygoddess,

Unless I missed it somewhere, you didn't tell us where your new rod came from. Is it a custom or off the shelf. It looks great.

Between the new rod and the new boat, I just guess that you're more than ready to hit the soft water.
[black][size 3]Saberfish, I bought the rod and the boats (plus all my fly tying supplies) from Dennis Brakke at "The Fly Desk". The thing about the rods, is he has to order three at a time, so if interested, see if you can find at least one more person. I do know someone else interested.[/size][/black]
[black][size 3]I am so ready for some stillwater action![/size][/black][cool]
Welcome aboard ChickenFoot, I'm the other guy with the Salt Shaker (Swatter). Those reds can give you a good play on flyswatting equipment. Lots of fun.[cool]

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