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Any truth to the Dorado Rumor?
I heard that a few dorado are being caught locally? Anyone here anything about this?<br><br>Before you leave today why not Smile,<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br>Mike

TheAngler BFT Moderator
yes down in the newport area<br><br>
Thank you Hara,<br>Any word on how plentiful they are?<br><br>Before you leave today why not Smile,<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br>Mike

TheAngler BFT Moderator
I havn't seen any of the local fishing reports boasting Do-Do, but we will definitely keep our eyes open and gaffs ready. <br> <br>Last year they came through with a vengeance and we were taken it to em' 6 miles outside of Dana Point. <br><br>Booyaa To Ya'!<br><A HREF="http:// " target="_new">http:// </A> <br>Michael Romero
I haven't heard of any dorado being caught locally, but I did see and hear of a couple being caught in San Diego last weekend throughout the fleet. I was down there fishing on the New Lo-An. We had a decent trip. A mixed bag of Albies and Yellows. The yellows were all kelp paddy fish. Nice size though. I caught a 30# yellow on 15# line on one stop. It was a good trip and the sashimi was just as good when I got home. <br><br>
G'day Booyaa and other So Cal anglers.<br><br>Just wondering how you target Dorado when they come on.. Do they gather around FAD's (fish attractiing devices) like their cousins down this way?<br><br>Lures and Baits used? Interested in knowing how they may be similar or different to the species we have here. <br><br>Thanks in advance..<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B<br>Moderator - Lures/Baits<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Hi Steve,<br><br>We don't have the man-made FAD's like you have but the Dorado behave the same. The only difference is they're attracted to natural things, like kelp paddys and floating debris.<br><br>IMO the best live bait is a med. sized green back (pacific) Makerel, with Anchovies coming in second. Dorado go absolutely nuts over tossed iron jigs like Kicker's #25 heavy. Party boat skippers usually don't encourage using jigs for Dorado because they're so lively when brought aboard and can throw the jig. What techniques do you use down under? Which jigs? Which bait? Also, what are your FAD's constructed of?<br><br>Dan <br><br>Fishing Academy ---&gt;<b><font color=blue><A HREF="" target="_new"></A></font color=blue></b>
Dan thanks for the reply.<br><br>Down this way anglers target them around the artificial FAD's and on the troll. Most of this takes place on private boats or 6 packs given that we do not have a long range boat scene here (per'se). <br><br>Light tackle (12 lb) and flicky rods with eithe thread line or baitcaster reels are often the go. Lure wise it can be jigs of various kinds, iron's like Raider's, or specialised jig flies like those below which fire them up something fierce when surface skipped or are used for sight casting (including on fly). <br><br><IMG SRC=""><br><br>We make these up with either single or double SS hook rigs in them and are taking a heap away with us to the Samoa IGFA tourny coming up in August.. <br><br>The FAD's can also be anything like channel markers, set bouy's and even a cardboard box will do when left alone for a while. Go off trolling for a bit then come back and get in amomgst them if the MM are on the chew.<br><br>The mackerel you described sound like a version we have here called Slimey's. Also a favourite marlin bait as well. <br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Steve,<br><br>Those jig flies look awesome. Do you only fly cast those? Ever use a weight up line from the jig fly?<br><br>I sure wish I was as skinny as I look in the photo to the left. [Smile]<br><br>Dan<br><br>Fishing Academy ---&gt;<b><font color=blue><A HREF="" target="_new"></A></font color=blue></b>
Dan<br><br>You can use them on a conventional rod and reel as well. Infact they are designed mainly for that purpose, or on a kite.<br><br>Yep, they weigh just over a 1/4 oz as standard. If you want them heavier just put a small torpedo sinker in front of them if you want to run them deeper/faster. <br><br>More details below if interested.<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A><br><br>I know what your saying about the skinny pic. Got a couple down here that do me real justice (i don't think!). <br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Dan (and interested others)<br><br>I just had a bit a look around for the mackerel I was talking about. <br><br>This link is about as close as I can get to in terms of what fits our description of a &quot;Slimey&quot; mackerel and the name tells the story. Very Slimey!<br><br><A HREF=", Cero" target="_new">, Cero</A><br><br>Maybe you have a slimey version their by another name?<br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
G'day Master Jig Builder,<br><br>For fishing California and Baja we find them trolling or a lot of times hangin underneath paddies or floating debris. There considered exotic for us California folk, we can usually find a consistant catch out in Mexican waters during the season. However certain times of the season when the warm current moves up our way, we get a shot at em'. <br><br>If you were targeting Do-Do, which of your jigs have you had the most luck with down under?<br><br>Booyaa To Ya'!<br><A HREF=" " target="_new"> </A> <br>Romero
G'day Michael and thanks for the Q.<br><br>The jig flies I was talking to Dan about (above) are red hot on dorado related species. <br><br>Just had a Boat Capt return from his season chartering around some islands on our west coast and this is what he had to say about them:<br><br>&quot;Steve, just got back from the Montebello Islands. Wow! What a trip. <br><br>I have found a new use for that dolphinfish jig-fly though it is rather smashed up by samson fish and now mackerel. <br><br><IMG SRC=""><br><br>We now have samson fish, mackerel (spanish, spotted ,school, shark) also tuna and snapper on the list. This little bugger seems to work on everything&quot; (Capt Kevin Hack).<br><br>These jig flies come in two versions and weights. The heavier has a double (opposing) hook rig on wire and is perfect for surface skipping and firing up Dorado. You can also sight cast them around drifting debri (or other FAD's), or stick them on a kite.. <br><br>Judging by this latest, and unsolicited, report - under the right conditions they appear to fire up just about anything that has pelagic next to it's name. <br><br>Personally, I an dead keen to give them a run on Sailfish as well and will be doing that shortly when we head for Samoa and a low level tourny their. <br><br><br>Burnin Thumbs!<br><br>Steve B <br>Moderator Lures/Baits Forum<br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
Thats a nice looking bug gotta get me one of those<br><br><A HREF="" target="_new"></A> <br>Lookie See what the kids are up to.<br>Dave T. Clown
Steve,<br>believe it or not a friend and I made a video a few years ago called East Cape Gold and was about dorado fishing. It was filmed right after a hurricane so the water was filled with debris. We only used bait-sardinas- and if we found a school could have caught them with a bare hook if we wanted. We made about 500 of the tapes and actually sold them all in a couple of years at back to back Fred Hall Shows. Have not caught a do do since then and I am chomping at the bit. If they get close to so Cal this year I am there.<br><br>

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