03-26-2007, 03:50 AM
Got a late start today and got on the water at 9am. First 15 minutes it was non stop we couldnt keep them off our lures. I started out with a nice 24 inch brown which put up a great fight! Then it was bows all day long. Caught them on everything we could troll with. Even tried lures that i thought wouldnt work and i was wrong. Man it was hassle catching all those fish trolling so we decided to jig .As we started to jig the wind came so we trolled again. Same results only the catching was not as fast .The last hour we caught only 14 bows.I trollled crankbaits for a possible eye and only caught bows. My brother in law had same results. There was not that many boats out there and i was surprised .Especially this time of year. The main killer lure for today was a green with blackdots rapala.We started out with pop gear and worm and that became a hassle because the bows were hitting the worm constantly. Average size were 16 -19 inches for the bows .Once again i forgot my digital camera. I need to get me a spare camera and keep it i the boat![] [signature]