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How to move my shed.
Okay I think I have it figured out, but I will take any tips in case I forgot something. I have a 8x16 wooden shed that I have to move from one end of the backyard to the other. It's one of those prefab sheds and it looks like it would be a pain to take apart and I don't have access for a forklift. So my plan is to, Jack it up and put a row of two 2x4s under it and in front of it. (like rails) Then on top of that, use 3" pvc pipe width wise and lower it back down and hope it acts like rollers. I'll have the wife push[Image: smiley2.gif] and I'll move the pipe from back to front as needed and also the 2x4s that its on. I'm hoping the pvc pipe is strong enough, but just in case I'll use a few extra. What do you think, will it work or is there another way?
thats just the way we move buildings at work,just on a smaller scale.i an not sure if pvc pipe will hold up though..if you use 4 inch schedual 40 pipe that would hold up,the bigger the pipe the easyer it will a few more hands to help push would be a good idea,it also helps to keep you going in the right direction,make sure you nail the 2x4s to the shed,they will want to move around while your tryng to move it

It would be great if you had a buddy with a large trailer. You could jack it up and set'er down on the trailer. Move it to the spot, jack it back up and pull the trailer out from under it. It's not like you have to make it road worthy. If you just got enough of the shed on the trailer where someone could walk behind it and keep it balanced on there, it would be cool.
My biggest problem is I can't get a truck or anything in the back yard do to fences and other houses.
Got a 4 wheeler or a lawn mower? Either one will move it. My father in law has a regular old Craftsman lawn mower and he moved my 5000 pound center console boat in the yard with it. If you can get a trailer back there, and you have access to a 4 wheeler or lawnmower with a trailer hitch, you're golden. If you have either/or and don't have a trailer hitch ball on it, it's cheap to attach one. A WHOLE LOT CHEAPER than buying a bunch of SCD40 PVC pipe.
I prefer 4x4z but either way cut the board to look like skiis.

if you have a stake or tree in the direction you want to go you got it made. You can plant a 4x4 four feet in to the ground for this if you dont.

you may have to do this several times depending on how far and how much rope you have.

do this, take the crank off of your trailer. take the strap off unless it is rated for more than a thousand pounds.

run an eye bold thought the bottom of the shed making sure you have a sizeable diamiter eyebolt. 1/2 inch or better... be sure to use an aditional block of wood on the nut side along with good quality washers.

dig your hole and plant your four by four, strap the crank about two feet up from the ground and you can crank your shed any in the yard you want to...

my quad with a snow plow pushes sheds real easy if you give them good runners....

or you can get six 2x10z lift up one side then the other, lay the 2x10z but to but and slid the shed across the top of those.

8-10 men can pick up the shed and move it,

remove the floor board from in side use ropes and 2x4z as lift handles from the inside and you can pick it up and walk it any where in the yard you want.

6 ups dollies with balloon tiers will move the shed any where you want. 6 women on the dollies cause real men dont play with dollies and one man with a beer in his hand giving directions as to wich way to go. three dollies in the front three dollies in the back..

let me know if you need more suggestions... I dont think the way you are hoping to go will work. depending on the type of pvc you have. it will crack and break.. or crush... or sink level in to the ground if your lucky...

am I in truble now [Tongue][sly]
First get some logs and two jacks, then have your 69 year old neighbor come and help with the muscle. The shed, where it was at. [Image: 20070605_174130_shed1.jpg] The beginning, before my helper gets here. [Image: 20070605_174316_shed2.jpg] My neighbor has arrived and is hiding behind the shed. The work gets moving now. [Image: 20070605_174452_shed3.jpg] Now time to turn the thing, where's Davetclown when you need him. [Image: 20070605_174707_shed4.jpg] Finally it's new resting place. [Image: 20070605_174857_shed5.jpg] Now the next project, putting in the new carport and patio. [Image: 20070605_175031_next_project.jpg] Everything from the house to the green garden hose in the back ground will be concrete in the near future. We are making some new parking/patio area for those that are curious of the distruction in progress. My neighbor was awesome for the help, DeeDee was busy taking the pictures, but like my neighbor said,"at least she has gloves on".[Image: smiley36.gif]

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