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Strawberry 5-25 - 5-28
A group of over 20 of us headed to Strawberry for Memorial Day weekend and had one heck of a time. Fishing was excellent and I got to try out the brand new camper for only the second time. My buddy also bought a new camper and it was his second time "testing" it out. Now both of us are good to go (knowing how to use our campers) before we go to Country Jam USA here at the end of June. Anyhow, we had 3 boats up there and everyone in all three boats just "long-lined" Rapala's. Each boat caught around 25-30 Cutts each day. Best part of the trip was my buddy with the new camper brought his three kids that had never been fishing before, so I had the honors of taking them out on my boat and catching their first fish. The little (10) girl was the most excited and caught the most fish in a 1 hour boating trip, she caught 7 and had another but was a "long line release"!!! The other little one (2) was too young to go so it was still nice to get 2 of the 3 kids on some fish. Their Dad has the pictures of the little (8) boy and his fish and I have the pictures of Jordan (10) with some of her fish. Biggest fish was 21.5", so no "Biggun's" this trip, but we did have around 20 that were under 15" so we still got some good fillets for a fish fry next weekend!!! Hope the pictures turn out!!!
Nice report. Great way to start kids out. Catching fish will be in their blood for life. What was the water temp? I am surprised you caught so many just long lining. The water must still be cool. I hope to get up there on my kick boat this week.
Water temp started out at 48.3, but suprisingly I seen where it was 55.6 at the entrance to the Narrows. Yeah it kind of caught me off guard that we got into so many "long-lining" also. We decided to do that because all the good "holes" and Bays were sooo crowded. We "long-lined" from the Strawberry Bay Marina all over the lake and caught most of the fish right in the middle!!!
[size 1]"and caught most of the fish right in the middle!!!"[/size]
[size 1][/size]
[size 1]There are no fish in the middle, let's keep this our own little secret Ok?[/size]
Oh yeah, I forgot........I tried to edit it[Wink] but it didnt work, so who ever else reads this report THERE ARE NO FISH IN THE MIDDLE!!![laugh] I wrote that to get everyone in the middle of the lake and away from where the fish REALLY are[Tongue]!!!
Nice report. Guess we should have stayed down there a little longer. Glad you guys had a good time. We didn't catch a thing that morning on Moe's boat. We'll have to get together and head up to east canyon sometime.

Great report TS you got to love when your there for a kids first catch!! M.H.
Nice report, my dad an I are headed to Strawberry this Saturday early, hopefully some of your good luck will be hanging around. We will avoid the middle of the lake where none of the fish are.[Wink]
How fast were you trolling the raps?
We were going between 2.1 and 3.2 MPH!!! Reason for the "up and down" speed was it seemed as though the fish would hit the Rapala real lightly and we would either slow down or speed up just a "tad" and the fish would really strike it then. If you are "long-lining" and you get a bite and miss the fish, just let line out about 20 feet and most likely that fish will hit it again, happened several times to us. Hope you guys do well, we actually did a little better when the "W" picked up just a touch!!!
right on. That's pretty fast--good, cover more water. Great ideas, thanks for the help.
Now I don't Bait or jig, and trolling isn't quite the same in Fly Fishing, but back in the old days when we did troll, by doing "S"'s in the water we got a lot more hook ups. It still works in a pontoon. I guess it is the the bait rising on the wide turn then dropping on the inside turn. That up and down motion covers a lot of territory, not to mention different zones.
yeah it was pretty fast but they still smacked them though. Most of the time when we were in the 3 MPH range it was because the "W" pushed us a bit and I kept the kicker motor running so I could keep us in a straight line.
I understand what you are saying FG with the "S"'s and we did that when there was only two of us in the boat. Most of the time we had 3 in the boat and 3 lines out, so it is hard to do anything but keep the boat going straight or you will start to tangle the lines up (we dont use planer boards)!!! When we have three people in the boat and one of us decides to throw on some pop gear then we only troll with two lines out, for some reason the pop gear goes for all the other lines (must have a mind of its own)!!! I guess next time I long line I will just long line with a huge net, pick out the fish I want to take a picture with, release them, then pick out my limit of "dinner" fish. Wouldnt that be much easier??? NO FUN THOUGH HUH???[laugh]
Thanks FG, good advice.
Awe yes, I remember the THREE line out fun. As far as the net, with the track record you have for catching fish, I think a net would be a step backwards LOL
Just keep up with the great posts!
Will do with the posts'!!! This weekend I have "Weekend Duty Standby" so 95% sure there will be NO fishing for me. Guess I get to do yard/house work!!! Will be fishing next weekend though. I plan on going to Jordanelle, Rockport, and then up to the Oneida Narrows in Idaho, so I will be posting reports the following weekend!!!
Looking forward to the reports. I really need to get up to Jordanelle. Everyone talks about Willard and I would love to try it, but the construction is a pain from Salt Lake, so going East is nice.
Here's some more of the pics from that weekend I had on my camera. Thanks for taking me out.
Glad to see you signed up finally, only took 2 months of convincing that this is the "myspace" of fishing. Like the name by the way, you want to go fishing not this weekend but the following??? Let me know.

P.S. Now we need Corey to sign up as "Lost Lure", Chuck as "Fish off" and Wen Hao Ho as "ahhhhh I'm sea sick". I forgot to tell you when we took Jordan out on the boat she caught her 7 and had a "long line release", well we called those a "MOE" so she had 7 and a "MOE" John was all butt hurt, but from now on when you lose a fish at the back of the boat it is a MOE!!!

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