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Wedding Anniversary on Willard 6-15-07
[cool][#0000ff]Today was our wedding anniversary. TubeBabe wanted to go fishing at Willard. Whatta girl! 28 years of awful wedded bliss.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Good buddy road agreed to come along, for immoral support and to serve as O-fish-al ceremony photographer. Couldn't be that he wanted to play with the fishies too.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We hit the water at the south marina by 6:30. Water temp was a lovely 72. Felt much better to my waderless lower portions than the 58 at Starvation a couple of days ago. Warmed up to 77 by the time we got out around 2. Clear, green and warm. Time for wiper boils...but we didn't see any today.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The cats were playful and we all added a few to our baskets early. TubeBabe scored the first wiper...a 20 incher. They probably heard her whooping clear up at the north marina. I virtually guaranteed her a wiper for our anniversary, so now I was off the hook. In between a bajillion cookie cutter kitties I caught a 14" wiper and lost a couple more. Fun Fun.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Road and I smacked the kitties pretty good on small plastics today. No way to know just how many we each got, but it was super plenty. We also got them on both crawlers and minnows...plain or used as sweetener on jigs. [/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Road took big fish honors with a wiper that was a half inch longer and a tenth of a pound heavier than TubeBabe's. Kind of a bittersweet victory though. That nasty fish trashed his ultralight rod. They can do that. He also scored another wiper that was about the twin to the 14 incher I got.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]The weather was superb. Never more than a light ripple on the water and mostly glass all day. Lovely. I had a special treat. I looked down and noticed that a dragonfly nymph had crawled up on my tube and an adult dragonfly emerged from the case. I'm attaching a couple of pics of the free show. Always cool.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Didn't see many boats, but did see Fish1on out in his toon. Did not even know who it was until after he had talked to Marty and we got back in. We rode down to chat after filleting a bunch of fish at the station. Evidently he got beat up by the kitties too, and 1 small wipers.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We found fish in all depths today...from 3' to 11'. Best action seemed to be about 8-9 feet. Threw lots of hardbaits and plastics, but there was never a pattern or an active bite by anything except the cats.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]When we got back to the ramp, TubeBabe and I posed for our "double basket ceremony" pics, to celebrate our anniversary. Here's a pic of what we looked like 28 years ago. I don't remember, but I don't think we went fishing after the wedding ceremony.[/#0000ff]
[Image: gforum.cgi?do=post_attachment;postatt_id=26480;]
Congrats Pat, to you and your wife! That is pretty awesome to be married that long by today's standards...very cool indeed.

Ohh...and good job catching all those fish too! heheh

We're gonna start calling you 'da King of fishing'! Cool pics!

Awesome! Congrats to both of you.[Smile]
[black][size 3]Gongrats to you both, Happy anniversary.[/size][/black]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Great way to spend the day, very productive and good weather. Who could ask for more.[/size]
[size 3][/size]
[size 3]Good report and photos.[/size]
CONGRATS TUBEDUDE AND TUBEBABE. what a way to spend your special day. thanks for sharing. [cool]
Congratulations, TD and TB. Looks like you two were meant for each other, I wish you many more my friends.

Yeppers you two were in a hurray to get the festivities going this morning. Can't add much to that report except a few addtional pics. Great day to be out fishing, good company, and playful fish. A near perfect day, it doesn't get much better than that!

Picked up a kitty that hadd a serious bite mark on it's side. Wonder what could have did that.

At the cleaning station one of the kittye caughed up it's earlier dinner. I had to share this with ya all. Now if ya get quizy easy don't open the attachment. LOL
TD, You married the right woman, that's for sure.
Happy Anniversary Pat and Deloris!!!, I'm Glad You had a good time!!
Nice report, thanks [Smile]
Happy anniversary !!
Congrats TubeMom and TubeDad. I'm glad to see that you have remained good fishing buddies for 28 years. Way to go.[cool]
Congratts on a long life of fishing together!!!!M.H.
[size 1]Very nice Happy Anniversary.[/size]
Happy anniversary!

Looks like you guys have figured out the best way to renew those vows! [Tongue]

Nice take.... wipers on jigs today???
[cool][#0000ff]Thanks for the additional pics, Marty.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Also, thanks to everyone for the kindly comments and the anniversary acknowledgements.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]We had a good time and are happy to share our stuff with other BFTers. Thought you might enjoy an old picture of some younger tubers...along with what they have become. It ain't all bad. [/#0000ff]
[Smile]Thank you, all, for your kindly comments on "our special day"! I suppose there are many who may question our mode of celebration ... but it was fitting and we had a great time ... fishes in our baskets and no "W"! I think TD and Road covered the days events pretty thoroughly.
That was a really nice wiper you got! Boy do they pull hard! [cool]
lucky buggers! good on ya TD.& TB.. [sly]

i cant even get my wife close to the boat on land... lol [Tongue]
Congratulations to you and your beautiful wife! I knew we had a lot in common. Cherie and I celebrated our wedding anniversary two days ago.
It looks like you had a great trip at Willard. I recognized some of the jigs in your pictures. I have received all of my jig tying materials now so I will be trying to replicate some of them today.


P. S. Let me know the next time your heading out for tubing and I will try to join you.
Congratulations to 2 great people, I wish you many more years together. A good life long partner who has the same interests is great. Brenda and I will be celebrating our 40th in Sept. Our anniversary will most likely be spent looking for a moose for me on the Mountain. I guess it is also a big week end for me as I hit the big "Six 0", doesn't really seem like I been around this Ol'earth that long. Have a great weekend and hope to see you on the water soon. By the way TD, are you going to do any of the Kittie cookouts like the one you Two hosted last summer at Utah Lake?[cool]

ALias PACKFAN, PACKFAN1 etc. etc.

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