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Full Moon at 'da Berry 6/30
This is the second time I've typed this...don't know what happened to the first one...

Anyway, even though we wanted to go chase the boils at Willard, we also wanted to cool off, so we decided on an evening trip to the Berry. We launched at 4:30 p.m. in my uncles 24' Gulfstream. With that kind of luxury and power that we aren't used to, we were able to spot-hop a lot more than we usually do. We (uncle, me and my cousin) started at the Ladders but the wind was so bad that we had no boat control. Went over to MudCreek, and caught 1 fish, but still too much wind. Went around the corner to the north and anchored basically just to get out of the wind, and ended up catching 2 slotters there. Finally around 7:00p.m. or so, we went back to the ladders. With no wind to deal with we finally were able to focus on jigging. We ended up with 12 fish, and a lot more misses. We kept 2, one that went 22.5 inches and my personal all time best out of the Berry, a fat 25 incher! (See pics). I caught him at 9:45 p.m. just as the big full moon was coming up over the mountain! The fishing was actually just turning on about that time but we all had early morning commitments the next day, so we had to leave. I don't know what it is about the full moon and Strawberry, but every time there is a full moon the big ones come out to play!
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.
I seen you guys out there but didn't know it was you. If you noticed the boat closer to the ladders that was me, I think we where the only two boats out there. I didn't launch untill 7:00pm and fished that area untill close to midnight. Never did get into some fast catching but caught 6 or so. Fished it today (Sunday) and never did find some active schools. Only caught 1 or 2 every where I stoped, ended up with about 7 or 8 for the day.
Thanks for the report NETO and MGB. I am heading up monday night for an all nighter with my buddy and my 2 boys. 2 days past full moon but should still be plenty of moon light to fish by. I'm a little discouraged by both of your reports but we are going anyway. Maybe I'll stay away from the ladders and try somewhere else.

Mike, where did you fish on Sunday? I'm just wondering what area's I should avoid cause if you didn't find fish there then I probably won't find any there either. Shoot me a PM if you want.

Did either of you put a submersible light down in the water? Sometimes that helps...

Hey Bigcat,
Yes, my uncle did throw out one of those submersible green fishlights about 15 minutes before I caught my big one. It had a 15 foot cord on it so it was only down about that far. I have no idea if it helped or not, but it was out.
I used to N.ot have E.nough T.ime O.ff to go fishing.  Then I retired.  Now I have less time than I had before. Sheesh.

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