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San Diego Trip
After reading the fish count reports out the San Diego Sportfishing companies we decided to go with Islandia on there half day boat. We fished twice with them. Once on Tuesday and then on Thursday. The fishing was awesome. We caught a plethora of fish. Barracuda, Bonito, Calico Bass, Sand Bass, Rock Fish and I caught a couple of Yellow-tail. We had fish boiling and biting all around the boat. Every cast I made with live bait got bit. The Yellow-tail fight extremely hard. They are bull-dogs. Big runs and screamin reels. The bonito for their size fight really hard too. It would be fun to go out on a weekly basis with the those guys. My pops and I are talkin about a three day trip fishin for tuna in the future. Our fish count for the boat on Thursday for 35 anglers was something like - 260 barracuda, 73 Calico Bass, 45- Sand Bass, 56 - Bonito- 25- Rock Fish, and 6 Yellow tail. The day before we went out the boat we were on caught a 160 lb Mako Shark. That would be awesome.
3 day trips, American Angler and The Qualifier 105 have great boats and great accommodations.
your making me home sick, I used to love those trips out with the seaforth. sounds like the fishing is still as awesome as it was in the 70's. glad you had a good time. later chuck
Sounds like alot of fun, we fished a half day trip down there and it wasnt very good but the capt said we were in the off season, that was a couple years ago. I guess if you can hit the right season and can spend a few days it can be great. Thanks for the report.

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