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I have never fly fished in my life but I have always wanted a fly rod for years since I was little but they are so expensive the ones I find and well I don't have the money well Wal-Mart got one that they are selling a combo for $20 that comes with 5 flies also. I know you probably will say I should wait and get something better but I don't even know how to use one yet and will have to learn from directions online and on the package. Plus I don't know if I will even like it but I want to try it and a set up is usually pretty expensive and to get one and not know if I will like it would be dumb for that cost so I never did but I am getting one as it is only $20 and well if I don't like it then it is not really much of a loss. I figure get this one for now and if I like it save my money and buy a good one for next summer. It is a shakespear. Of course you never know I may get this rod and love it. I got a Dawai for $20 bucks with the reel and I love it. It is an open face. The reel  ly broke but I got a new reel an Eagle Claw one. The pole itself is great and I will probably buy more of the same pole without the reel to put away for in case my pole ever breaks. I liked the reel while it lasted but oh well it was cheap what can you do? I hope this fly rod is similar in that I like it alot but I hope the reel does not up and break on me. I can't wait to get it and try it out. I doubt the flies will work though because any soft plastic lures we ever got when my brothers and I were little they never worked and I don't expect that to change when I get one with flies. I just really want to try fly fishing and see how I like it. Wish me luck teaching myself from directions as I don't know anyone who can fly fish.
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I thnk you are doing the right thing. In fact, I did the exact same thing as you. I bought a $20 shakespere combo several years ago and it was not until about 18 months of so ago I really started using it.
Well, a long story short.. I got hooked on fly fishing and have since invested in a better rod and reel, plus a lot of the extras of the sport such as flies, fly boxes, clothing, boots, waders, wading boots...etc..
I will tell you this quite honestly. You are on one of the best if not the best bulletin board for learing about fly fishing ... and in fact... any type of fishing you may want to try. I have found that the people here are very knowledgeable, very outgoing, very willing to share the knowledge and experiences, very willing to help people new to the sport.. and all around just good people to talk too... as some of like to say.. we are an extended family to each other.. and got to tell you.. I for one would not have it any other way...
MacFly [cool]
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Yeah I figured this board would be a good place to start although I am not sure what to ask yet. I use the catfish board and bass board and freshwater fishing boards already. I plan on getting two new rods this year still. A fly rod and an ice fishing rod. The fly rod is a definite as I have always wanted one. It is probably the same combo I would bet. How well did it hold up?
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0 be honest.. I have beat that thing to death...litterally.. some scratches.. but no major damage.. for $20.00 ... especially if you are not sure you want to keep up with the fly fishing it is worth every penny.. for me any way...
..not sure where you are located but I would take the time to try to locate a local fly shop.. or fly fising club.. a lot of times they will offer lesson on the basics of fly fishing casting etc) for a small fee or free... it is well worth looking into..
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I agree with Mac. I have a couple of friends that bought the same set up you are talking about. One is my nephew and he too beat the heck out of it and even broke the tip off and still fishes with it.
Hopefully, however, the lesser rod will peek your interest and not turn you off, I have seen that happen also. People buy the CHEAPER rods that will not do what they expect, so they keep going back to their spinning outfit.
Flyfishing is going to take commitment. I too started off with spinning, then a Pfueger Fly Fishing outfit to only go back to the spinning cause it was easier. Then I was given a very nice Sage (for it's time at any rate) and I have never gone back to a spinning outfit since.
Fly fishing requires too much put into the casting, retrieve, fly, line, etc. to go back and forth. In other words, you will never master FF, you will merely be getting by with occassionaly catching a fish.
I went to a lake full of Cat and Carp, neither species have I targeted before, but I am a FF so that is what I did, expecting to get skunked....I didn't.
The Shakespear is a good starter (might be a little slow). That is the other thing. Beginners should go to a FF store and cast several rods to find out what action they need. Fast casters need a fast rod, slower casters a slower and so on.
Good luck and stay in touch!
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...good point on the slower part.. if it is the same set up as mine I can tell you for sure it is slower full action (belly) casting rod... but.. it is durable.. and keeps you slow enough to learn some of the basics well....
... I am very tempted at times to go back to my spin casting rigs since they are easier to use.. but.. as FG will tell you.. its not the rod that makes it fly is the FLY.. [  ] .. in other words there is a way to rig a spin casting rig to fish with a fly.. I do that occassionally.. but mainly set my grandson up on that type of rig.. in fact this Saturday I will probably bring that rig along as a back up because to be honest I have not touched my fly rods in quite a while so I know I will be very rusty to say the least.. but my mind set is this.. I enjoy the fly fishing.. it is more challengeing and for me more relaxing .. I need to be much more involved in what is going on (as FG said.. the cast.. the line.. the leader length.. size and length tippet and presentation of the fly..and most important (other than entomology) is the fly selection...
I know this sounds over whelming.. but I am telling you from experience.. the people here on this board.. in particular my sis FG and bro's TN2 and DR (and all the others.. its just they are moderators) are here to help you every step of the way..
I think once you try it.. and catch that first fish (my case was a 1.5 or pound LMB) you will be hooked.. and as my brother in law and his friends kept saying about me.. "stick a fork in him he's hooked"...
...did I leave anything out sis??????
MacFly [cool]
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[#005028] [cool]Catch a fish of any size on a dry and you will be hooked. And if that fly happened to be one that you tied yourself well then game, set, match point.[/#005028] [  ]
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Wow! What a story! I thought you were born with a fly rod in your hand. I never knew that you could do the know, the other type of fishing.[cool]
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You go get em Santaa! The best thing in the world is to learn various types of fishing. I'm glad to see that you have done so well in the Freshwater with your Cats.
Bass, Trout, Walleyes, Perch and other Panfish will also come into the picture for you with a flyrod.
I also flyfish. Fresh and Saltwater. Next thing you know, we will have you in a float tube also. One step at a time.[cool]
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[font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1][b]Post:[/size][/black][/font] [font "Verdana,Arial,Helvetica"][black][size 1]Wow! What a story! I thought you were born with a fly rod in your hand. I never knew that you could do the know, the other type of fishing.[cool][/size][/black][/font][/b]
In a way you are right, I did grow up with a FF rod in my hand. Growing up in Glenn's Ferry, I had an old Monty (Bamboo) 9' 6wt and a telescopic Metal fly rod. Both very heavy (specially for a small child) and bvery hard to cast, so the answer was to go get a cheap spinning out fit. Times have dramatically changed. But it is still possible to get a nicer rod for around $100. plus, just keep in mind it WILL be ASIAN made.
My sister in law has been trying to make the transition from spinning to Fly Fishing, and is having a hard time with the different casting styles. I actually saw here trying to false cast a Mepps on her spinning that can be dangerous[cool]
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[#005000] [cool]Hi there Guest and welcome to the World of Fly Fishing. Thanks for sharing your story with us. BTW why don't you take a moment and register. Just go to the bottom of my post & click on the word Registration. Registration is easy and won't cost you a thing but a few minutes. Additionally your information will not be sold. Picking yourself a good name is half the fun of joining. Hurry back now you hear.[ ][/#005000]
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I have a unique cast for the Mepps Spinners, Panther Martins and Wordens Rooster tails.
Since I mostly cast them on a 4' 6" Pflueger spinning rod, I do a big circular wind up before I release. That works especially well when there is brush or low trees behind me.
On the other hand, I can put a spinner on the fly rod and simply do my Whip Cast to get it out.
I use a combinations of techniques wherever I am fishing and take advantage of the capabilities of the equipment that I am using.[cool]
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sorry about that I am registered apparently someone cleaned the cookie files off the computer. Makes it run faster if you delete them every so often. Sorry about that. I just relized it logged me out.
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have you ever tried the "snap" cast with an ultra-lite spinning outfit. If you're surrounded by cover, pull the spinner back toward
you bending the rod like a bow, watch out for the hooks, and SNAP, let it go, lol, I used to show off this cast to my buds.
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Yes. I love that cast for real thick cover. I also use ultra light rods for more distance.
It does take practice to get it to work but once you have it down, it's game on.[cool]
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[cool]... amazing how different styles of fishing have similarities... what you call a snap cast here is an archery cast or is it bow and arrow cast in fly fishing.. exact conditions as you say.. but a ff'er pulls on the line and then lets go.. I have done this in the past.. with some success but I know that like all ff'ing casts it takes practice to make it work better.. but since it is a seldom used cast it tends to take a back burner..
..I am still looking forward to TN2 teaching/showing me his special short cast.. I have a feeling it will help me a lot until I can afford a spey rod rig (well into the future) .. lol
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I call it the Bow and Arrow cast also.[cool]
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thanks sis.. feels good knowing I say things right.. lol .... sometimes my terms are not right on.. heheh such as full belly instead of full flex... maybe I was hungry when I wrote that.. [sly]
MacFly [cool]